capp技术及其发展趋势v52(CAPP technology and its development trend V52).doc

capp技术及其发展趋势v52(CAPP technology and its development trend V52).doc

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capp技术及其发展趋势v52(CAPP technology and its development trend V52)

capp技术及其发展趋势v52(CAPP technology and its development trend V52) This article is contributed by sanqianren2011 Ppt documents may experience poor browsing on the WAP side. It is recommended that you first select TXT, or download the source file to the local view. CAPP technology and its development trend, CAPP technology and its development trend Wuhan University of Technology Huaxia College Wang Fang outline CAPP outlines CAPP development, CAPP key technologies, CAPP applications and providers outline CAPP outlines CAPP development, CAPP key technologies, CAPP applications and providers CAPP overview CAPP overview CAPP meaning CAPP position in the overall framework of the manufacturing informatization CAPP integration CAPP overview Process planning Technology Work, methods, techniques, etc., that process raw or semi-finished products into products. Process planning An art of optimizing the allocation of process resources and rationally arranging the process. Process planning objective Define a practical process that uses available resources as a constraint to determine costs and productivity CAPP overview The meaning of CAPP Narrow sense CAPP Computer, Aided, Process, Planning, computer aided process planning Generalized CAPP Computer, Aided, Production, Planning, computer aided product planning CAPP overview The bridge role of CAPP CAPP is the three piece of puzzle in manufacturing informatization CAD, CAM, OA, SCM, CRM CAPP PDM CAE ERP CAQ MES Reflection on achievements Research and development workshop manufacturing, production management, sales CAD SCM CRM CAQ PDM Multidisciplinary optimization, intelligent design, system simulation Reverse engineering CAM CAPP, MES and other low-level information is quite weak Operations research ERP Systems engineering, information economics Modern management theory CAPP overview CAPP blends with other software and systems CAPP and CAD Product structure, product attributes, product structure, product attributes, CAD chart, proce



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