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图16-5 工作设计理论 激励灵活就业员工 提供成为长期员工的机会 提供培训机会 提供公平的薪酬和福利 激励低技能并领取最低工资的员工 员工认可计划 提供真诚的表扬 激励独特的员工队伍(续) 账目公开管理:这种激励方法主张所有员工都可以了解本组织的财务文件 员工认可计划:对员工表示关注,并且对出色的工作表现给予关注、赞扬和感谢 绩效工作方案:根据对绩效的测量来支付员工工资的浮动薪酬方案 设计合适的奖励制度 需要掌握的术语 动机 需求层次理论 生理需求 安全需求 社会需求 尊重需求 自我实现需求 X理论 Y理论 双因素理论 保健因素 激励因素 三种需求理论 成就需求 权力需求 归属需求 目标设置理论 自我效能 强化理论 强化物 需要掌握的术语(续) 工作设计 工作范围 工作扩大化 工作丰富化 工作深度 工作特征模型 技能多样性 任务完整性 任务重要性 工作自主性 工作反馈 关系取向的工作设计观 主动的工作设计观 高参与型工作实践 公平理论 惨遭对象 分配公平 程序公平 期望理论 账目公开管理 员工认可计划 * * * * * * * Frederick Herzberg’s Two-Factor Theory (also called Motivation-Hygiene Theory) proposes that intrinsic factors are related to job satisfaction, while extrinsic factors are associated with job dissatisfaction. Herzberg wanted to know when people felt exceptionally good (satisfied) or bad (dissatisfied) about their jobs. (These findings are shown in Exhibit 16-2.) * As shown in Exhibit 16-3, Herzberg proposed that a dual continuum existed: The opposite of “satisfaction” is “no satisfaction,” and the opposite of “dissatisfaction” is “no dissatisfaction.” * * All three of these needs can be measured by using a projective test (known as the Thematic Apperception Test or TAT) in which respondents react to a set of pictures. Each picture is briefly shown to a person who writes a story based on the picture (see Exhibit 16-4 for some examples). Trained interpreters then determine the individual’s levels of nAch, nPow, and nAff from the stories written. * * * Equity theory, developed by J. Stacey Adams, proposes that employees compare what they get from a job (outcomes) in relation to what they put into it (inputs), and then they compare their inputs–outcomes ratio with the inputs–outcomes ratios of relevant others (Exhibit 16-8). * * Expectancy theory states that an individual tends to act in a certain way based on the expectation that the act will be followed by a given outcome and on the attractiveness of that outcome to the individual. It includes three variables or relationships (see Exhibit 16-9). * * Ma


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