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* * (2)髋关 节和膝关节 髋关节 (hip joint): 由髋臼和股 骨头构成,以 稳固为主。 * * 膝关节 (knee joint): 是人体最大、 最复杂的关节,由 股骨下端、胫骨上 端和髌骨构成,髌 骨与股骨相关节, 股骨与胫骨相关节。 ? * * * (3)骨盆 (pelvis) 由骶骨、 尾骨及左右 髋骨及其间 的骨连结构 成的完整骨 环。 男性骨盆 高而狭窄, 耻骨下角 70—75度;女性骨盆 低而宽阔, 耻骨下角90 —100度。 * * ? (4)足弓 (arch of foot) 足骨借关节 和韧带连结紧密 ,使足底形成凸 向上方的弓称足 弓。 ? * Summary The appendicular skeleton consists of the bones of the pectoral girdle, upper limbs(arms), pelvic girdle, and lower limbs(legs). The pectoral (shoulder) girdle consists two clavicles and two scapulae. The upper limb contains the humerus, the radius, the ulna, and the bones of the hand (the carpals, metacarpals, and phalanges). The pelvic girdle contains two coxal bones, as well as the sacrum and coccyx. The female pelvis is generally wider and more shallow than the male pelvis. The lower limb contains the femur, the tibia, the fibula, and the bones of the foot (the tarsals, metatarsals, and phalanges). ? * * Summary The skull is formed by the cranium and the facial bones. The cranium includes the frontal bone, two parietal bones, one occipital bone, two temporal bones, one sphenoid bone, and one ethmoid bone. The facial bones in clued a U-shaped hyoid bone, two maxillae, two palatine bones, two zygomatic bones, two nasal bones, the vomer bone, two inferior nasal conchae, and the mandible. * (二)躯干骨及其连结 1、组成 躯干骨51块 椎骨26: 颈椎7、胸椎12、腰椎5 骶骨1、尾骨1 肋骨24 胸骨1 * * 2、椎骨的形态 (1)一般形态 每一椎骨 (vertebrate) 都包括前方的 椎体和后方的 椎弓两部分, 两者共同围成 椎孔,连成椎 管,容纳脊髓。 * 椎体和椎弓 相连的狭窄部分 称椎弓根,两个 相邻的上、下椎 骨椎弓根在两侧 围成椎间孔,脊 神经和血管由此 通过。 椎骨上有 7个突起:棘突1 个,横突2个, 上关节突2个, 下关节突2个。 * (2)各部 椎骨的主 要特征 颈椎 (cervical vertebrae): 有横突孔 * * 第一 颈椎又 称寰椎 * 第二颈 椎又称枢 椎 * 第七颈 椎又称隆 椎。棘突 末端不分 叉。 * 胸椎 (thoracic vertebrae): 肋凹;棘突 较长,斜向 后下,呈覆 瓦状排列。 * 腰椎 (lumbar vertebrae


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