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第 7 卷第12 期 第第3737 卷第卷第 1212 期期 力发电力发电 圆园11 年12 月 基于HSM 的水电工程骨料 生产节能降耗方法 广森 渊 能澜沧江水电有限公司袁 云南 昆明 650214冤 摘 要 对于砂石骨料生产系统袁 目前通过技术更新或设备更换以进一步改善其节能降耗较为困难袁 有必要寻求一 种低成本或零成本的管理技术方法遥 为此袁 根据骨料生产系统中各环节的生产技术特性袁 融合系统工程和管理信息 系统思想方法袁 动态整合生产工序之间的生产状态袁 根据生产实践的活动程序袁 使用硬系统方法 渊Hard System Methodology, HSM冤 对现有设备和装备建立能耗模 袁 寻求生产系统各环节的综合能耗达到最小的状态遥 关键词 骨料生产系统曰 节能曰 降耗曰 水电工程 Energy Saving and Waste Reducing of Aggregate Producing in Hydropower Engineering Based on HSM Chen Guangsen (Huaneng Lancang River Hydropower Co., Ltd., Kunming 650214, Yunnan, China) Abstract: The energy saving and waste reducing of aggregate producing system in hydropower engineering is difficult to further improve by technology innovation. It is necessary to find a low -cost or zero cost management method to achieve energy saving and waste reducing. According to the characteristics of aggregate production system and based on the ideas of System Engineering and Management Information System, the Hard System Methodology (HSM) is used to establish a energy saving and waste reducing model for existing equipments and production processes. The model can dynamically integrate the production state of different processes and achieve the minimum comprehensive energy consumption of entire production system. Key Words: aggregate production system; energy saving; waste reducing; hydropower engineering 中图分类号院TV512 TV422 文献标识码院A 文章编号院园缘缘怨原怨猿源圆渊圆园11冤12原园041原园3 想方法袁 动态整合生产工序之间的生产状态袁 根 0 引 言 据生产实践的活动程序袁 使用硬系统方法 渊 Hard 本文所定义的砂石骨料除混凝土骨料外袁 也


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