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Mine Engineering 矿山工程, 2015, 3, 42-46 Published Online April 2015 in Hans. /journal/me /10.12677/me.2015.32007 To Reduce Medium Consumption and Reduce the Cost to Increase Benefits Yongcheng Wang Coal Preparation Plant of Tangshan Kailuan Linxi Mining Co. Ltd., Tangshan Hebei Email: wych1982@163.com th th th Received: Mar. 27 , 2015; accepted: Apr. 10 , 2015; published: Apr. 13 , 2015 Copyright © 2015 by author and Hans Publishers Inc. This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution International License (CC BY). /licenses/by/4.0/ Abstract This paper introduces the Linxi Colliery Washery medium consumption status, and analyzes the main factors that affect the medium consumption. According to the quality of magnetite powder, adding method of magnetite, dielectric removal effect of arc sieve, medium draining screen and ef- ficiency of the magnetic separators, the main link and the measures that should be paid attention to are put forward to reduce medium consumption. It reduces medium consumption effect and achieves good economic and social benefits. Keywords Medium Consumption, Suspension, Magnetic Separation Efficiency 降低介耗,减少成本增效益 王永成 唐山开滦林西矿业有限公司选煤厂,河北 唐山 Email: wych1982@163.com 收稿日期:2015年3月27 日;录用日期:2015年4月10 日;发布日期:2015年4月13 日 摘 要 本文介绍了林西矿选煤厂的介耗现状,并分析了影响介耗的几个主要因素。针对磁铁矿粉质量,磁铁矿 42 降低介耗,减少成本增效益 粉的添加方式,弧形筛、脱介筛的脱介效果和磁选机的分选效率,本文提出了降低介耗应注意的主要环 节和措施,达到了降低介耗的效果,取得了良好的经济效益和社会效益。 关键词 介耗,悬浮液,磁选效率 1. 综述 1.1. 林西矿选煤厂简介 唐山开滦林西矿业有限公司选煤厂( 以下简称林西矿选煤厂)是开滦集团公司所属的矿井型选煤厂,始 建于1939 年,由英国西蒙卡公司设计,设计规模为1.80 Mt/a ,是我国最早建成的选煤厂。由于工艺设备 新老搭接不畅,尤其是煤泥浮选效率低下,洗选效率不高。2010 年,选煤厂


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