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长沙市的旅游食品发展研究摘 要 改革开放以来,我国经济得到快速发展,人民的物质文化生活需求也不断提高,旅游度假成为我国人民娱乐休闲的重要方式,而旅游度假的一部分是品尝当地的特色美食。商家对旅游没事的嗅觉是非常敏感的,投入其中寻找商机,旅游美食行业得到快速发展。但是,旅游美食发展也存在一些发展的阻碍因素,这主要来着于一些不良的商家。一些商家看到外地游客不了解当地情况,对游客进行欺诈,更有商家为了谋取暴利,偷工减料,使用劣质原料,使用违法添加剂等不法行为,严重影响了旅游美食行业的发展。针对以上种种状况,开展了对长沙市旅游食品行业的调查摸底,分局调查到的情况,进行研究。了解长沙市的旅游食品行业的状况,并分析其中存在的问题,并结合长沙市当地情况,指出了其中存在的问题,并针对性提出了促进长沙旅游食品发展的建议。关键词旅游食品;问题;建议;对策研究AbstractSince the reform and opening up, Chinas economy obtained the rapid development, peoples material and cultural life of the demand is also rising, vacation tourism become an important way of our country peoples entertainment and leisure, and tourism vacation part is to taste the local food. Businesses have no sense of tourism is very sensitive to smell, and put into the search business opportunities, tourism and food industry has been rapid development. However, there are some obstacles to the development of tourism food development, mainly to some of the bad business. Some businesses see tourists do not understand the local situation, the tourists in the fraud, more businesses in order to reap huge profits, shoddy work, use inferior raw materials, the use of illegal additives and other illegal acts, serious impact on the tourism food industry development. In view of the above all sorts of conditions, to carry out the tourism in Changsha City food industry of investigations, bureau of investigation to research. Understanding travel food industry of Changsha City, and analyzed the existing problems, combined with the local situation of Changsha City, and points out the existing problems, and to put forward suggestions to promote the development of Changshas tourism food.KEY WORDSTourist food;;problems;;suggestions;Countermeasure research目 录一、绪论6(一)长沙美食介绍6(二)旅游食品研究现状71.从旅游食品的外包装与设计的角度72.从旅游食品开发的角度83.从旅游食品安全的角度8(三)选题的目的及意义91.推动长沙市旅游业多方位发展92.推动普通观光型旅游向文化旅游发展93.引起长沙旅游业对旅游文化的理论研究9二、长沙旅游食品现状分析9(一)旅游食品现状介绍91.旅游景区周边餐饮摊点存在的主要食品安全问题92.旅游食品开发程度低103.相关单位对旅游食品的重视不足10(二)调研数据分析111.旅游景区周边餐饮摊点基本食品安全状况112.旅游景区周


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