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Lie和lay详解 Lie /lai/ 过去式:lay???过去分词:lain???现在分词:lying n.谎言( a statement that deviates from or perverts the truth ) Lies have short legs .谎言终究要败露。 V.躺着,躺下;说谎;位于,在于;平放,存在,延伸(be located or situated somewhere; occupy a certain position ; be lying, be prostrate; be in a horizontal position; originate (in) ) Tom lay on the floor expiring with laughter 而汤姆却躺在地板上笑得喘不过气来。 He was ashamed that he had lied. 他很惭愧他说了谎。 The village lies across the river.村庄在河对岸。 The cure for stress lies in learning to relax.消除紧张的方法在于学会放松。 ?Lie n. 1.谎言,谎话。 2. 虚伪,欺诈;假相。 act a lie (用实际行动)骗人。 a black lie 用心险恶的谎话。 a white lie 无恶意的谎话。 a lie (made) out of (the) whole cloth=a lie with a latchet说得天花乱坠的谎话。 give sb. the lie指责某人说谎。 give the lie to 当面拆穿…的谎话;证明虚伪,和…相矛盾。 live a lie 过欺骗人的生活。 nail a lie to the counter 揭穿弄虚作假[谎言]。 swap lies 〔美口〕讲空话,闲谈,胡扯。 the big lie 1. 弥天大谎。2. 编造谎言并大肆宣传的骗人手段。 不及物动词,及物动词 (lied lying) 说谎;欺骗;迷惑。 lie oneself out of trouble 聊以自慰。 lie sb. into doing sth. 骗某人去做某事。 lie sb. out of his money 骗某人钱财。 lie away 骗取(名誉等),骗去。 lie in ones teeth [throat]〔古语〕 无耻地瞪着眼[当面]撒谎。 lie like a gas-meter 乱撒谎。 Lay /lei/ n.地形,位置,层面 He knows the lay of the land here .他了解这里的地形。 v.放置,躺下,打赌,设计,击倒,产卵,使平静,压平 You may lay it on the table.你可以把它放在桌子上。 I lay down not so much to sleep as to think.我躺下来与其说是要睡觉,倒不如说是要思考。 She laid about him, calling him a liar and a cheat.她攻击他,说他说谎,是个骗子。 adj.世俗的,外行的 Lie-lay-lain-lying躺 He lay numbly , in a kind of stupor 他麻木地躺在那里,陷于一种痴呆的状态。 Lie-lied-lied-lying说谎 He spotted his reputation by lying repeatedly 他因反复说谎而败坏了自己的名声。 Lay-laid-laid-laying下蛋,产卵 The hens lay eggs everyday.那些母鸡每天都下蛋。 lie down 躺下 I’m feeling rather peculiar I think I’ll lie down for a while.我觉得不太舒服,我想躺一会儿。 Lie in 在于,睡懒觉 I caught a flu and had to lie in the bed . 我得了流感,不得不卧床休息。 The chief proof of a man’s real greatness lie in his perception of his own smallness.一个人真正伟大的主要证明在于认识到自己的渺小。 lay?off? 1.解雇。 2.(临时)解雇期。 3.关闭;停歇。 4.停止活动[比赛]时期 lay hold of 紧抓住 lay?out? 1.布局;设计;安排;陈设。 2.版面编


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