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毕 业 论 文 (申请学士学位) 论文题目:淘宝网的营销策略研究 作 者:时巍 专 业:电子商务 指导教师:高惠滨 学 号:Yc091213025 论文答辩日期 :12月4日 二○一○年 月 日 淘宝网的营销策略研究 Study on Marketing Strategy of Taobao 淘宝网的营销策略研究 摘 要 随着中国互联网的蓬勃发展,越来越多的年轻人认可网络购物,电子商务已经开始成为主流购物方式,而且购物范围也越来越广。淘宝网是国内C2C电子商务网站中,成长最快、最成功的一例,依靠免费策略彻底打乱了易趣原有的盈利模式,在很短的时间内就打败了易趣。随后作为国内C2C电子商务模式的领军者,淘宝网在信息交互、诚信安全、支付方式、物流等各方面均创造性的推出了适合中国网民的运营方式。 本文从淘宝网的发展现状入手,分析了淘宝网的发展历程,总结其成功经验和不足之处,分析其市场营销环境和行业环境,进行SWOT分析,并从4C营销方式出发,从消费者、成本、方便和沟通4个方面对淘宝网的营销策略进行分析研究。 关键词: C2C;淘宝网;营销策略 Study on Marketing Strategy of Taobao Abstract With the vigorous development of Chinas Internet, more and more young people are recognized online shopping, e-commerce shopping has started to become mainstream, and increasingly wide range of shopping. Taobao C2C e-commerce website is the fastest growing and most successful example of relying on free strategy completely disrupted the original eBay profit model, in a very short period of time to beat eBay. Then as a domestic leader in C2C e-commerce model, Taobao in the information exchange, integrity and security, payment, logistics and other areas are suitable for the introduction of innovative Internet users in China is run. In this paper, the status quo of the development of Taobao, Taobao analysis of the development process, sum up the successful experience and inadequate analysis of their marketing environment and industry environment, the SWOT analysis and marketing from the 4C starting from the consumer, cost, convenience and communication 4 aspects of marketing strategy Taobao analysis. Keyword: C2C; TaoBao; Marketing Strategy 目 录 1 引言 1 1.1 研究背景 1 1.2 研究意义 2 1.3 研究方法 3 2相关理论概述 3 3淘宝网及其发展历程概述 6 4淘宝网的内部条件分析 7 4.1 淘宝网的成功因素 7 4.2 淘宝网营销方面存在的问题 10 5淘宝网市场营销环境分析 11 5.1 宏观环境分析 11 5.1.1 政治环境 11 5.1.2 经济环境 12 5.1.3 社会环境 12 5.1.4 技术环境 12 5.2 行业环境分析 13 5.2.1 当前竞争对手 13 5.2.2 潜在竞争对手 14 5.2.3 替代品 14 5.2.4 供方力量和买方力量 15 6 淘宝网内部条件和外部环境综合概述 15 6.1 SWOT因素分析 15 6.2 SWOT战略匹配分


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