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Good morning teacher! Good morning everyone! 王志伟 Tunnel engineering 1007 Recommendation A book: Dracula Epistolary novel (书信体小说) Vampire literature Horror fiction (恐怖小说) Gothic novel (野蛮小说) Invasion literature (入侵文学) Extended reading Films Teleplays Cartoons Books Caricatures Chinese web site……………………… English web site……………………….. Van Helsing: 2004 American film Directed by Stephen Sommers Stars: Hugh Jackman Kate Beckinsale Blade: 1998 vampire film Directed by Stephen Norrington Snipes plays Blade Dracula: A famous novel Published in 1897 Author: Bram Stoker Eclipse: Follows Twilghts and New Moon Released on June30 2010 Let us begin! Vampires and werewolves ruled at the box office this Fourth of July holiday weekend, with Summit Entertainments third installment of The Twilight Saga‘taking in $161.7 million since opening Wednesday. Thats one of the biggest five-day debuts in Hollywood history,previously surpassed by just a handful of films, including The Dark Knight and last summers sequel to Transformers. 7月4日美国国庆日这个周末,吸血鬼和狼人统治了票房,自周三上映以来,顶峰娱乐公司(Summit Entertainment)的《暮光之城》(The Twilight Saga)第三部票房进账1.617亿美元。这是好莱坞历史上上映前五天票房最高的影片之一,之前仅有《黑暗骑士》(The Dark Knight) 及去年夏天上映的《变形金刚》(Transformers)续集等几部影片能超过这个票房成绩。 The topic of my speech is ……. Vampires are legendary creatures said to subsist by feeding on the life essence of living creatures,generally by drinking their blood. (吸血鬼是传说中的一种靠残害其他生命存活的怪物,尤喜嗜血) Derivation(起源) Three main legends Cain (该隐) Judah (犹大) Satan (撒旦) Cain(该隐) :the son of Adam(亚当) and Eve(夏娃),because he killed his brither so he was cursed by god Judah(犹大):as we all know,he is a traitor ,so god made


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