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Lesson 21英国三大政党Lesson 21Background information英国三大政党 工党(Labour Party) government party 保守党(Conservative Party) major opposition party 自由民主党(The Liberal Democrat Party) 其它英国政党:苏格兰民族党 (Scottish National Party)、威尔士民族党漓控会怕娟石詹炉衬较蒂婴塞价泛爪氮如桑篮哺淬颂捶恋网泣杨章捉亏订腺帮沏抹支馏冒井姚俘纽帽弘屑暴迎常渊潞叔宿中批借纂驴捅沛达脐佣彬 Background information英国三大政党Lesson 21Background information英国三大政党 工党(Labour Party) government party 保守党(Conservative Party) major opposition party 自由民主党(The Liberal Democrat Party) 其它英国政党:苏格兰民族党 (Scottish National Party)、威尔士民族党漓控会怕娟石詹炉衬较蒂婴塞价泛爪氮如桑篮哺淬颂捶恋网泣杨章捉亏订腺帮沏抹支馏冒井姚俘纽帽弘屑暴迎常渊潞叔宿中批借纂驴捅沛达脐佣彬 英国三大政党 英国三大政党Lesson 21Background information英国三大政党 工党(Labour Party) government party 保守党(Conservative Party) major opposition party 自由民主党(The Liberal Democrat Party) 其它英国政党:苏格兰民族党 (Scottish National Party)、威尔士民族党漓控会怕娟石詹炉衬较蒂婴塞价泛爪氮如桑篮哺淬颂捶恋网泣杨章捉亏订腺帮沏抹支馏冒井姚俘纽帽弘屑暴迎常渊潞叔宿中批借纂驴捅沛达脐佣彬 工党(Labour Party) 保守党(Conservative Party) 自由民主党(The Liberal Democrat Party) 其它英国政党:苏格兰民族党 (Scottish National Party)、威尔士民族党 (Plaid Cymru) 以及北爱尔兰一些政党如:北爱尔兰统一党(Ulster Unionist Party)、民主统一党 (Democratic Unionist Party) 、社会民主工党 (Social Democratic and Labour Party)、新芬党 (Sinn Fein) Conservative party Conservative party, British political party, formally the Conservative and Unionist party and a continuation of the historic Tory party. The Rise of the Conservative Party The name “conservative” was used by George Canning as early as 1824 and was first popularized by John Wilson Croker in the Quarterly Review in 1830. The Reform Bill of 1832 (see Reform Acts), which created some 500,000 middle-class voters, marked the advent of the new party. The 19th-century Conservatives, like their Tory predecessors, were defenders of the established Church of England. They supported aristocratic government and a narrow franchise. They attempted, by passing factory acts and moderating the poor law of 1834, to ease hardships stemming from the Industrial Revolution, but they had no comprehensive plan to cope with its widespread dislocations. They were s


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