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员 工 手 册 Employee Handbook 目 录 Catalogs 总 则 Chapter One General 公司概况Chapter Two General situation of the Company 员工行为规范 Chapter Three The norms of employees behaviors 雇用与离职 Chapter Four Employment and Disemployment 员工薪酬 Chapter Five The salary of employees 工作时间 Chapter Six The working hours 员工休假 Chapter Seven The holidays of employees 员工福利 Chapter Eight The Welfare of employees 培训与发展 Chapter Nine The training and development 出差管理 Chapter Ten Management for Business Trips 违纪与处罚 Chapter Eleven Violation of regulations and punishment 环境、健康、劳动安全与保密政策 Chapter Twelve Environment, health, security, and confidentiality 劳动争议 Chapter Thirteen Labor disputes 附加条款 Chapter Fourteen Supplementary articles 第一章 总 则 Chapter One General 1. 为规范员工行为,提升员工队伍整体素质,特制定本手册。 This Handbook is specially made in order to regulate the employees’ behavior and enhance the quality of employees, 2. 本手册适用于公司全体员工,公司全体员工必须严格遵守。 This Handbook applies to all employees of the Company, and it shall be strictly observed. 3. 本手册所称公司即指威意特汽车系统(中国)有限公司本手册所称员工系与公司发生工作关系,由公司正式雇用并依据规定签订劳动合同及领有工资者,但因业务需要临时雇用的短期员工,以签订的临时用工合同约定的权利义务为准。“the Company” in this Handbook indicates W.E.T. AUTOMOTIVE SYSTEMS (CHINA) LTD.; the “employees” in this Handbook indicates the persons who have been employed by the Company, have signed an employment contract with the Company and have received salaries from the Company. The persons who are employed temporarily due to business, shall be regulated by the temporary employment contract. 第二章 公司概况Chapter Two General situation of the Company W.E.T 公司由Bodo Ruthenberg先生在1968年创建,主要销售各种加热系统组件。W.E.T公司名字起源于德语,其含义为电子技术及加热。在1998年集团正式命名为:W.E.T汽车系统有限公司。W.E.T was formed by Mr. Bodo Ruthenberg in Munich in 1968, mainly selling heating components for various applications. The original name of our group W.E.T was “Warme und Elektro Technik”,a German name which means “heating and electrical technology”. In 1998 the Group changed its name into W.E.T Automotive Sy


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