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2010 6 Jun 2010 6 ( 14 1) JOURNAL OF RA ILW AY ENG IN EER ING SOC IETY NO. 6( Ser. 14 1) : 1006- 2106 ( 20 10) 06- 0109 - 06 ( 中铁第四勘察设计院集团有限公司 武汉 4300 63) : : : ; : ; ; + : U 4 92. 1 1 : A Research on Layout of Integrated Traffic Terminal of Intercity RailTransit in PearlRiverDeltaZone LIU He- fang ( Ch ina R aiwl ay Siyu an Survey and D esign G roup Co. L td. W uh an H ubei 4 30063 Ch ina) Abstract: Research purposes: T he intercity ra il transit newt ork in the P earl R iver D e lta Zone requ ires un ified plann ing un ified con struct ion un ified standard and un ified op eration to ach ieve the goal o f interoperab ility of all track s in the netw ork w ith the f lex ible op eration and sharing resources. T herefore it is necessary to further stu dy the interoperab ility connota tion. Research conclusions: The design of the integrated traffic term inal of intercity ra il tran sit shou ld fo llow the fo llow ing five concepts: the optmi izat ions of co llaborat ive e ff iciency and overall sh ap e the adaptation of the term inal ind iv idua l condition com pact arrangem ent and seam less tran sfer comprehen sive utilization of space and resource and com bining qua litat ive ana lysis w ith qu antitative ana lysis. G enerally there is tran sfer station betw een the interc ity rail tran sit and urb an rail tran sit and when the intercity rail tran sit connects w ith the urb an rail tran sit at start station or term ina l station the track jo in in



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