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HEREDITAS (Beijing) 2007 3 , 29(3): 276―282 ISSN 0253-9772 综述 DOI: 10.1360/yc-007-0276 1, 2 3 3 1 王荣 , 崔百明 , 彭明 , 张根发 1. , 100875; 2. , 236032; 3. , 571737 : 赤霉素(Gas)作为一种高效能的植物生长调节物质对棉纤维的分化和发育有着非常重要的影响, 但是, 一 直以来有关赤霉素与棉纤维分化和发育的分子机制的研究还很少。文章论述了近年来GA 信号组分、转导途径 的分子生物学研究进展以及GA 与棉纤维分子发育的相关研究成果, 旨在为揭示赤霉素调控棉纤维分化和发育 的分子机制以及改善棉纤维品质的棉花育种工作提供新的思路。 : 赤霉素; 信号转导; 棉纤维发育 Gibberellin signal transduction and cotton fiber molecular development 1, 2 3 3 1 WANG Rong , CUI Bai-Ming , PENG Ming , ZHANG Gen-Fa 1. College of Life Science, Beijing Normal University, Beijing 100875, China; 2. Department of Biology, Fuyang Normal College, Fuyang, Anhui Province 236041, China; 3. Institute of Biotechnology in Tropics Crops, Chinese Academy of Tropics Agriculture, Haikou 571101, China Abstract: Gibberellins (GAs) is a sort of high efficiency plant growth regulator which is very important for cotton fiber initiation and development. Recently, the research of GA signal transduction mostly focuses on Arabidopsis, wheat, barley, maize, rice and so on. Yet we know little about molecular mechanism of GA to cotton fiber initiation and development. In recent years, exciting progress has been made in identifying many important components involved in gibberellin signal transduction pathways, which can help us to understand deeply these pathways and their regulation. This review summa- rized the recently research process of GA signal transduction and correlation of GA and cotton fiber’ molecular develop- ment. We hope that the paper can provide some new ideas about the function and mechanism of GA in cott


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