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28 1 Vol. 28, No . 1 2007 3 Journal of Hebei University of Science and T ec nology Mar . 2007 : 1008-1542( 2007) 01-0001- 04 潘际銮 ( 清华大学机械工程学院, 北京 100084) : 简述了焊接工艺过程自动化的国内外发展现状, 介绍了大 工件工地焊接机器人的研制和 开发, 重点介绍了爬行机构和机器人控制系统的研究现状以及传感器的设计与选择要求焊接实 验和试生产结果证明, 样机运行平稳可靠, 具有很好的跟踪精度 : 电弧焊; 自动化; 爬行式; 全位置; 机器人 : T G439. 9 : A Study on craw l type all position arc w elding robot w it modern arc w elding control PAN J-i luan ( Sc ool of Mec anical Engineering, Tsing ua University , Beijing 100084, C ina) Abstract :T e current situation and necessit y of arc welding process automation is described briefly. T e discussion is focused on a tec nical innovation: a craw l type all posit ion arc w elding robot. T e concept be ind it is new and original. T e design is rational,w it ig level of automation. Bot experimental results and trial product ion demonstrated it operates reliably and smoot ly,w it ig level of w eld seam t racking precision. Key words: arc welding; automat ion; crawl type; all position; robot 1 , , 148 kW 290 e , 18 MPa, 7 160 t/ , 12 m, 6 m, 200~ 600 mm, , , 440 t, 13 12 t , , 45%2005 , 3. 5 t, 4 t, , , 70% , 40. 1%, , , , 6 , , , : 2006-12-28; : , : ( 1927- ) , ,, , , 2 2007 2 , , 1. 5~ 2 m, , , 2 m, x , y , z 3 , 3 , , 11 , 6 , 3 , 2 , , , , , : , , , , 2 ( ODEN) , , , , ; ( BU G-O) ( GULLCO) , , , , , 2 [ 1~ 3] , 1 2 , , , , : , 1 m @ 1 m, , , , , , , [ 4] , , , , , , , 1 , , 1 , 2 , , , , 3 ,


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