中英语言对比Chapter 2.ppt

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中英语言对比Chapter 2

The history of Chinese characters Chinese characters The formation of English words Simple words Independent morphemes: boy girl, hand Derivative words Affixation: kicks, apples, anti-terrorism, woolen Compound words Handbag, second-hand Philological and semantic motivation Hand-bag, football, snowfall, horse-riding, second-hand, greenhouse, grown-up, waiting-room 甭,采,从,林,森,珏,傡,尘,尖,炎 room-mate, workplace, policeman living-room, workbag, postman 城镇 趁机 毛孩儿 寒流 长城 趁钱 毛竹 寒衣 In English, the morpheme’s meaning is largely the same as that in the compound it forms; however, in Chinese, a character’s meaning may differ from that in the compound. Other motivations 鹅卵石,冰糖,喇叭花,毛毛雨,金钱豹,龙须菜,鸡冠花,燕尾服,纸老虎 千里眼,千层饼,万一,万分 睡莲,文竹,忍冬,织布鸟 黔首,刘海 猴头,田字格,八字胡 metaphor hyperbole analogy metonymy image Analyze the following words 玉米,棒子,珍珠米,包谷,玉蜀黍 班房;制服 宾馆,酒店,酒楼,饭庄,饭铺,油肆,美食城,菜馆,馆子,客栈,旅馆,旅社 Chapter 2 Words and Characters Read the following sentences and figure out what they mean. 女子体态娴静美好姽,闲体行姽姽也。从女,危声。犹頠之为头,娴习也。——《说文》 既姽婳于幽静兮,又婆娑乎人间。——宋玉《神女赋》 Paith hareted tha orata, teret ita, yea gotre tha merar. gui wei po suo Questions for Discussion Do you think which language is easier to learn, Chinese or English? Why? Do the Chinese strokes convey meaning? For example, what does it mean by the stroke (笔画) “丿”? Do the English letters convey meaning? For example, what does it mean by “W”? Chinese is largely an ideographic (表意) language. 象形字 Pictographic characters 会意字 Associative compounds 指事字 Self-explanatory characters 形声字 phonogram 抬,踢,吃,泳 转注字:颠与顶,窍与空 Mutually explanatory or synonymous 假借字:命令与县令 Phonetically loaned characters Phonograms form the biggest category of the Chinese characters. Characters of this category can be viewed as composed of radicals (义符) and the phonetic component (声符). ?扌亢 radical phonetic component What does the radical “竹” mean in the characters like “笑”and ”笨”?How about ”王” in “球”? Does “每” function as the phonetic componen


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