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Lesson 1 Text A 1、Fixed subjects and curricula are likely to go into the melting pot and school themselves, if not as physical locations then at least as places exclusively for children, are threatened with extinction. 固定的学科和课程可能会融为一体,学校自身若不是因为实际位置,那么至少会因为只招收儿童而面临灭绝的威胁。 2. Because the tradition they were established to pass on became a dead weight, because school became an institution instead of an approach to life, because there was too much emphasis on the written words, too much subject-division, too much authoritarianism----in a word, too much school and not enough learning. 因为他们所建立并延续的传统已成为沉重的负担,因为学校已成为一个机构而非一种生活方式,因为有太多的教条、太细的科目划分、太注重权威――总而言之,太多的正规教育而缺乏足够的自我学习。 3. The move towards democracy in schooling has several causes, including the general demand for qualified labor to meet the demands of stepped-up technology. In some countries ideology is behind the move, in others, the consequences of decolonization. 推动教育民主化的原因有多个,要符合快速发展的科学技术就需要大量合格的劳动力。在某些国家,推动教育民主化进程的动力是意识形态;而在另一些国家,教育民主化是非殖民地化的结果。 4. But the report points out that there is a wide gap between a decision of principle to provide universal education and the democratization of systems, for, as they are currently structured, inequality is built into them. “The universal right to education, in which contemporary civilization takes such premature pride,” says the commission “is often refused to the most underprivileged. 但是报告指出,在原则上决定推进大众化教育与实行教育体系的民主化之间,存在着一条难以逾越的鸿沟。因为在当前的教育体制结构中本身就存在着不平等的现象。委员会认为,‘无权无势的阶层并未享有全民接受教育的权利,而对此当代文明却过早地引以为豪’。 5. Merely multiplying schools is not the answer. What is needed is not equal treatment for everybody, but provision for each individual of a suitable education at a suitable pace for his particular needs. 单纯地增加学校的数量并非解决问题之道。我们所需要的不是千篇一律地对待每个人,而是根据个人需要以合适的速度为他们提供合适的教育。 6. Schools, insofar as they continue to exist as we have known them, cease, under this system, to be reserved to children and become places of learning for future and present adults. 在此体系下,那些为人熟知


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