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1999 2 10 1 CHINESE JOURNAL OF APPLIED ECOLOGY, Feb. 1999, 10( 1)B 109~ 113 * * * 章家恩 ( , 510642) 徐 琪 ( , 210008) = . ( ) ( ) . , , , , . Maj or issues in r estor ation ecology r esear ches. Zhang Jia. en ( South China Agricultural University , Guangzhou 510642) and Xu Qi ( Institute of Soil Sciences, Academia Sinica, Nanjing 210008) .2Chin . J . Appl . col ., 1999, 10( 1) : 109~ 113. The basic c ncepts andt heir c nn tati ns f rest rati n ec l gy and its general situati n f researches, as well as the bj ectives, principles, pr cedures and techniques f ec l gical rest rati n, were discussed in this paper . It is sug2 gested that the rest rati n ec l gy research sh uld give c nsiderati n b th t the basic the ries including the succes2 si n f ec system and its damage pr cess and reacti n mechanism under disturbance, and t the applied techniques, including the rest rati n f s il, water b dy, atm sphere and vegetat i n, t he c nservati n f bi 2 diversity, and the assemblage and integrati n f ec system. The ec l gical rest rati n and rec nstructi n is a systematic engineering, which is in the light f ec l gical principles and by the certain bi l gical, ec l gical and engineering techniques, t artificially c ntr l the key fact rs and pr cesses f ec system degradati n, and regulate and ptimize the fl w pr 2 cesses and their spatial and temp ral sequences f matter, energy and inf rmati n am ng the ec system and its envi2 r nment, by t he aim f successfully rest ring the structure, functi n and ec l gical p te


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