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毕业设计(论文) 基于DES加密算法的WORD加密插件的实现 论文作者姓名: 张 杰 申请学位专业: 网络工程 申请学位类别: 工学学士 指导教师姓名(职称): 王燚(副教授) 论文提交日期: 2007年07月25日 基于DES加密算法的WORD加密插件的实现 摘 要 随着社会发展,社会进入信息时代。信息技术和信息产业正在改变传统的生产﹑经营和生活方式,信息已成为社会发展的重要战略资源。如今,Office办公文档已是日常办公生活中不可缺少的一部分,与此同时伴随而来的信息安全问题也日益突出。如何确保Word文档中的内容不被未授权的第三方所知,防止重要信息被随意改动,成为当务之急。如果在Word工具栏中添加一个加密插件,可以对文档全部内容或部分内容加密,便能有效防止信息泄漏。 本论文采用VB编写Word插件,通过采用Windows下的动态链接库技术DLL),在VC中封装起来成DLL供VB调用,实现了开发时对,。动态链接库Adding for Encryption Based on DES Encryption Algorithm Abstract With the development of the society, we are entering the information times. The traditional method of the product, the management and our life style are changed by the information technology and the information industries. The information has become the important strategic resources for the society development. Now, the Office documents have already become an essential part in people’s daily work, followed with this, the question of information security becomes critical day by day at the same time. How to prevent the content in the Word documents from being known or modified by the unauthorized third party has become an urgent issue. If we can add an encryption plug-in into the word toolbar, which is able to encrypt all or part of the Word document, the information leaking could be prevented efficiently. The Word adding introduced in this paper is developed with VB, which calls the encryption and decryption functions in a Dynamic Link Library (DLL) that is developed with VC to enhance the efficiency of the encryption algorithm. By using this adding, users can encrypt or decrypt word document locally without leaving the Word. Key words: Encryption plug-in unit; Information security; COM module; DLL 目 录 论文总页数:20页 1 引言 1 1.1选题背景 1 1.2选题意义 1 2理论基础 2 2.1 DES算法描述 2 2.1.1 DES算法框图 2 2.1.2 DES解密 3 2.1.3 DES算法原理 3 2.2 COM组件简介 5 2.2.1 组件 5 2.2.2 接口 6 2.2.3 创建 7 2.2.4 复用 8 2.3 插件简介 8 3 需求分析和方案设计 8 3.1 需求分析 8 3.1.1功能需求 8 3.1.2 开发环境 9 3.2 方案设计 10 4 程序的实现 10 4.1 VC建立DES算法模块 10 4.1.1 加密导出函数的定义


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