Why A Carbon Tax Is Not Necessary - The No Carbon Tax Climate :为什么碳税是不必要的无碳税的气候.ppt

Why A Carbon Tax Is Not Necessary - The No Carbon Tax Climate :为什么碳税是不必要的无碳税的气候.ppt

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Why A Carbon Tax Is Not Necessary - The No Carbon Tax Climate :为什么碳税是不必要的无碳税的气候

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * The end result is that he found the greenhouse effect is dominated by the amount of upward surface heat In other words Whatever heat Leaves the surface of the earth Two thirds goes into space And one third heats the atmosphere (the greenhouse effect) g = 0.333 And this value is the same for the earliest Atmospheric measurements as for the latest so the greenhouse effect is constant and not increasing (confirmed by NASA measurements). Earth`s surface In other words the Earth`s temperature is dominated by the amount of heat from the Sun But extra greenhouse gases like CO2 will not significantly change the Earth`s greenhouse effect. This figure of 0.33 for g (the Greenhouse effect) is backed up by two other scientists Kiehl and Ramanathan in their book Jeffrey Kiehl Victor Ramanathan And just to give you the full story, on the next page is the list of Scientists who have found the opposite results to Miskolczi and can demonstrate CO2 is going to cause the Earth to overheat and make the sea levels rise 6 metres or more. And now some of the Fraudulent Science Leading IPCC Scientists including Michael Mann have tried to show the Worlds temperatures did not have a warm period before 1450 AD. Mann produced a graph called the Hockey stick. It was used by the IPCC many times. Stephen McIntyre checked the data and verified the warm period. Mann`s graph is fraudulent. Michael Mann Stephen McIntyre NZ Climate records were “fudged” (Checked by the NZ climate science coalition) The Original (Raw) Temp data The “manipulated” data Note: the graph trend is flat But this one has a big temp rise to make us think there has been recent warming This graph found by Steve McIntyre shows the deleted part of the temperature data (in red) that IPCC scientist Phil Jones made the following comment about. (He deleted the red data and added different data to “hide the decline”) Proxy temperatures sourced from tree rings “I’ve just


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