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摘要 随着人们环境意识的日益增强,随着社会经济的发展,对环境的要求越来越高,城市废弃树枝树枝的随意堆放及焚烧被逐渐禁止,而园林绿化不断扩大,由此而产生的废残树枝等园林养护剩余物的数量也大量增加,废弃树枝的处理及综合利用成了城市园林及环卫部门亟待解决的问题。而树枝粉碎机集切片、粉碎为一体,可切屑废弃树枝,粉碎物料可进行成型再处理,该设备适合流动作业,广泛适用于中小型刨花板和纤维板生产企业的备料工段,也可用于个体户进行商品木片的生产。 本毕业设计的树枝型粉碎机主要用于粉碎园林绿化剩余物,要求其结构简单,可靠性强,便于操作,移动方便。本毕业设计采用异步电机驱动,异步电机和带轮支架采用滚动轴承座连接,保持带轮运转的稳定性;V带传动,缓和了载荷冲击;主轴通过两个圆锥滚子轴承与机架连接;连接轴与带轮之间采用平键连接;电机和轴承座采用螺栓和垫片固定。整机重量较轻,移动方便。适合城市园林绿化剩余物加工。由于这里不能上传完整的毕业设计(完整的应包括毕业设计说明书、相关图纸CAD/PROE、中英文文献及翻译等),此文档也稍微删除了一部分内容(目录及某些关键内容)如需要其他资料的朋友,请加叩扣:2215891151 关键词:树枝型粉碎机,园林绿化,木材加工 Abstract With the social and economic development, people’s environmental awareness and landscaping requirements continue to strengthen and gardening expand, the park maintenance surplus such as waste branch also is multiplied. The traditional approach is the burning of broken branch, landfill, not only cause environmental pollution, but also can not make full use of resources. The modern branch processing method is cutting it to pieces and after fermentation processing, make it to fertilizer. It can be used in the gardening applying fertilizer or in the agriculture, turning waste into wealth. The topice are designed mainly for mobile branches mill residues such as gardening crush smaller branch wood or wood chips. Requirements of its small size, simple structure, easy to move and easy to operate, therefore there is specialty in the design of structure. The machine’s rack, about the top head has used the casting to reduce the machine’s center of gravity, Strengthened the stability of complete machine effectively; Between the engine and the main axle adopts the belt transmission to relax the load impact, reduced the harm of overload which brings for the major component such as fly cutter; The connection of main axle and rack is two circular cone roller, to prevent the main axle have great beating; The connection of cutter head and main axle is flat key, coordinates closely; The fly cutter uses the bolt and cushion to be fixed, Reliable and stable,


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