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毕业设计(论文) 题目: 浅析PPG公司网络直销 存在的问题与对策 浅析PPG公司网络直销存在的问题与对策 摘要 网络直销是指企业通过网络的方式为客户提供产品的售前咨询,进而挖掘客户需求,并帮助客户制定购买方案或将客户的购买意向纪录下来,从而进行网络销售。网络直销最大的优势就在于大大缩减了渠道的成本。作为国内服装直销模式的先行者——批批吉服饰(上海)有限公司(PPG)一直倍受关注,特别是在2007年初,PPG以惊人的商业模式,及成长曲线展示着公司在直销行业的成绩。同时,“Yes!PPG”这一广告词也成为各大城市居民熟悉的广告语。但PPG这种创新的网络直销模式背后,还是有很多思考的地方。时至今日,PPG不断被诸如“被诉拖欠货款”的负面报道笼罩着层层迷雾。所反映出来的正是当前PPG公司亟待解决的品牌策略贯彻不力、质量等服务不到位、渠道管理存在盲点等问题。笔者将重点对PPG公司的品牌策略、渠道策略及服务策略进行分析,指出其存在的问题,并提出一些行之有效的改进措施,希望能为PPG公司及跟进服装直销网络的同行提供一点参考建议。 关键词:PPG;网络直销;品牌策略;渠道策略;服务策略 N PROBLEMS AND SOLUTIONS OF THE PPG COMPANIES ABSTRACT Clothing market in the red-hot environment, direct model as a domestic pioneer clothing - PPG Fashion (Shanghai) Co., Ltd. has been much concern. PPG will be an innovative model of modern e-commerce and traditional retail business model for the integration, known as Chinas Dell. Its different from the traditional channels of distribution model, adopting a more optimized way of direct marketing, supported by excellence in supply chain management system, in a unified management concept of branding strategy, shows a new and efficient business management models, but also once made the development of explosive.Especially in the beginning of 2007, PPG phenomenal business model, and demonstrates the growth curve in the direct sales industry achievements. At the same time, Yes! PPG The ad has also become familiar with the Ad major urban language. However, PPG this innovative network marketing model behind, there are still many places we need to think about. Today, PPG have been as payment in arrears being sued, overshadowed by negative reports of the layers of dense fog. It is reflected in the current PPG companies need to implement the brand strategy to solve the poor quality of services in place, and channel management issues such as the existence of blind spots. So I will focus on the PPGs brand strategy, channel strategy and service strategy for analysis, pointing out that the question of its existence, a


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