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翻译:美国医生对《豪斯医生》的评价 英语不错的同学可以自己去看:/house_pd.html 第一集 I caught the new medical show House on Fox Tuesday night (it is scheduled to be rebroadcast Friday night). I enjoyed it and the show definitely has potential. 星期二晚上我在Fox电视台发现了一个新的医疗剧,《豪斯医生》。我觉得这个连续剧不错,而且蕴藏着惊人的潜力。 Hugh Laurie does an excellent job portraying the eponymous Dr. Gregory House. Dr. House is a wounded (both physically and mentally) character who is considered one of the most brilliant physicians in the nation. The trouble is, he hates to deal with patients. His ethics and morals are questionable. He is a complex and interesting character. The rest of the cast is more forgettable. Omar Epps and Jennifer Morrison show some promise as two of the young doctors; the third young doctor, played by Jesse Spencer, doesn’t show much of a personality yet. Robert Sean Leonard simply fades into the background whenever he’s in a scene. Hugh Laurie 对于豪斯医生的演译异常出色。 豪斯虽然是全美最优秀的诊断专家,同时也是一个在身体和心灵都伤痕累累的人物。问题是他讨厌和病人接触,他的处事原则和道德是怀疑性的。这个人物即有趣又复杂。其他的人物(目前)还不突出。奥马尔(4man)和珍妮佛(卡梅隆)还算是表现出了一些年轻医生的特色,但是斯潘瑟(Chase)演的第三位医生(目前还)毫无特色。罗伯特(Wilson)则更像是剧中的背景板。 The plot was essentially a medical mystery. Why does this pretty young kindergarten teacher have all these horrible symptoms? What condition does she have, and how do we cure it? 这集的主线情节是一个医疗谜团:这个年轻的幼儿园教师为什么突然出现这些症状?什么是病因?而我们该如何治疗? The answer was clever and not too unbelievable. I did have problems with the way the supposedly brilliant Dr. House arrived at his conclusions. There seemed to be no logic behind his deductions, he just seized on some minuscule fact and used it to concoct some untenable theory. That he turned out to be right in the end seemed more luck then skill. 最后的诊断很机智,而且并不令人难以接受。(不过)我对于了不起的豪斯医生得出结论的过程有些困惑。(在他得出结论之前),他所掌握的微不足道的证据(和结论)之间并没有很强的逻辑联系,他是如何利用这些细微的事件来得出这个不太可靠的结论呢?虽然他最后是对的,但是在我看来更像是猜中的。 Still, the series was very watchable and I’ll make sure to watch next week’s show. 但是,豪斯医生依然很有观赏价值,我确定我下周还会继续观看的。 Some minor nit-picks (and very minor spoilers): 一些小问题: ? Are there


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