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浅谈中国本土品牌战略 摘 要 现代经济已成为品牌经济,在经济全球化的背景下,国际竞争越来越表现为品牌的竞争。我国自实行改革开放政策以来,大量的国际竞争品牌加入中国市场竞争。那么,中国本土品牌在这样的格局中如何谋求突破显得至关重要。在市场经济发展日趋深化的今天,品牌对于企业生存和发展的重要性已众所周知,品战略已成为众多知名企业在市场竞争中立于不败之地的法宝。创建国际品牌无疑是企业参与世界竞争的必由之路,品牌将引领方向,帮助企业在汹涌澎湃的市场汪洋中进行正确的导航,驶向成功的彼岸;品牌将驱动企业的经营战略,有效地进行资源的优化配置,集中于创建强势的品。本文通过对品牌基本含义的阐述,探讨了品牌在企业发展中的重要性,并对企业如何构建自己的品牌战略提出了自己的一些看法。http://经管论文.com/ 经济管理类最新最热门书籍请访问芝麻读书网:/ Brief analysis China native place brand strategy Abstract The modern economy has become a name-brand economy. In the context of economic globalization, international competition more and more performance for the brand competition. Our country since the reform and opening-up policy, many people add international competitiveness of brand competition in the market. In that case, Chinese domestic brands at how such a pattern is critical to achieve a breakthrough. At the increasingly deepening development of the market economy today, the brand for enterprise survival and development of the importance of well-known, brand strategy has become a large number of well-known enterprises in market competition invincible magic weapons. To create an international brand companies are no doubt the only way to participate in world competition, brand direction will lead to help the enterprises in the vast expanse of water surging market in the right navigation, heading for the success of the other side; brand-driven business strategies, effective resource optimal allocation, focusing on creating a strong brand. In this paper, the basic meaning of the brand through the elaboration of the brand at the importance of enterprise development, and how to build their own brand strategy put forward their views. 【Key words】brand brand strategy brand equity brand management brand innovation 更多原创经管论文及英文文献与翻译请访问:http://经管论文.com/ 经济管理类最新最热门书籍请访问芝麻读书网:/ 绪论  经济全球化背景下, 国际竞争越来越表现为品牌的竞争, 现代跨国公司绝大多数都是世界知名品牌公司, 尤其注重品牌战略的运用, 通过品牌这种全方位的输出形态, 跨国公司逐步占领了国际市场, 而今, 品牌已是跨国公司实现全球战略目标的锐利武器, 是实现资本扩张的重要手段一个品牌不仅仅是一个产品的标志, 更多的是产品的质


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