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成功案例-国际电信行业用户 * * ASIC 架构 仅需升级 引擎 * Security features within the McAfee IPSM-Series Network Security Platform makes this solution second to none. Maximum security and integration features makes McAfee IPSthe most secure IPS in the industry. - The M-Series can act as either an Intrusion Detection System or an Intrusion Prevention System - Threat prevention from Zero Day, DoS and DDoS attacks ensures that your infrastructure and every network connected device is protected from these fast acting attacks. - Behavior and Anomaly Detection is one of the various ways IPSdetermines if there is an issue that needs addressing. Signature detection and Dos/DDos detection is also included. - IPSboasts an internal ACL Firewall to ensure appropriate traffic travels over appropriate ports. This is an additional level of security checking that can be configured within the IPS. - IPShas the ability to block a “badly behaving host” and quarantine it so that the problem can be remediate. Integrated with McAfee NAC, IPScan act as a post-admission NAC. If a system is compromised AFTER it is allowed into the network, IPScan quarantine the system, and work with McAfee NAC to update the system so it can regain access safely. - The Rate Limiting feature allows you to throttle certain lower priority traffic to a certain level of bandwidth through the IPSIPS. This can be useful to ensure that higher priority traffic is allowed throughput when it’s needed. - Integration with Foundstone Vulnerability Manager allows a “Right Click” view of vulnerability. The Network Admin can simply determine if an attack is relevant and take appropriate action. IPSand Foundstone together allows the Network Admin to be aware of the risk. - Integration with ePO allows the System Admin visibility to key system parameters and information that was never available before. With a simple “Right Click”, the Network Admin can get up-to-date system and protection information immediately. This is actionable infor



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