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Unit 1 II. catalog echoes inner manifest declared paged dread divine tempted sign III. are prone to smuggling starred floats strives dentist committing administrative professional pursued V. 这个问题在走廊里回荡着,一直传到院子里,就像古时候的格列高利圣咏。 没有人生目标,我就像个没有系上保险索的航天人,在太空中漂浮。 其他人都兴高采烈地迈向人生之路,在人类学、社会学、生物学等领域开拓前程。 他们各自都要与我共享他们的专业,每个人都对我的专业提供忠告。 我出发赶往学校,希望从家到学校行政大楼的路上,上天能赐予我申报专业的灵感,指明正确的方向。 VI Some people are prone to distrust strangers. Linda passed up the desert because she was on a diet. John paged through the magazines for classified ads. Their voices echoed in the big empty hall. She didn’t manifest much desire to marry him. Nothing could tempt me to take such a step. If you drive your car like that, you’ll end up in hospital. This is the goal that we are striving toward. Unit 3 II schedule breathtaking drop by congratulate you on filled out proposed figure out deserve modest located III flatters is freaked reservations assumption compiled accomplish replacement refreshed security coincided V 我曾想问你在最后一个学期是否要找个实习岗位。 那太好了!我当然能够安排的。 她正在为编写一本书收集数据,该书将权威地加上南美洲的文化和民族。 这样的话,他们俩都不会感到那么紧张。 我主要找一个能收集关于亚马逊河流域文化数据的人。 VI I will schedule an appointment with my dentist for Friday. I warmly congratulate him on his marvelous discovery. Drop by us any time when you are in town. I fell the same way about the movie as you do. After tom passed his driving text, he filled out his driver’s license. Before Mary got the old newspapers away before she did a general cleaning of the house. Hang on a minute and he will come soon. I’m sorry. I can’t fit this meeting into my schedule. Unit 6 II. brilliant exploiting permanent distinguished means sucking vote endure scale gain III hated curious dominant extraordinarily Restlessly influence concluded manages history diplomatic V. 1. 想到美国就不可能不想到不安于现状的求新、创新、争当新人的企业精神。 2. 在二十世纪中叶,企业的美好理想体现在管理者身上,但在世纪之初及世纪即将终结的限制,我们的英雄当数企业创业者、创始人及冒险家。 3. 如果规模最重要,那么斯隆或沃森都能得到首肯,微软也不示弱,尽管其在《财富》500强中仅名列第109位。 4. 当然,盖茨的故事远未结束,众多或荣或辱的事情可能留在他的生平记录当中。 5. 世纪实业家缔造的工业改变了我们赖以生存的国土,首次创立了畅销市场及满足市场需求


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