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CATTI笔译必备句子范例(25) 1. 我们愿意在平等互利的基础上与贵方建立贸易关系。 【英文译文】We are willing to establish business relations with you on the basis of equality and mutual benefit. ? 2. 参与亚太经全组织对中国的影响是多方面的。 【英文译文】Our participation in APEC will influence China in several aspects. ? 3. 参加这次即将举行的春交会的,有来自己的20个国家的代表团。 【英文译文】Trade delegations from 20 countries will take part in the forthcoming Spring Commodities Fair. ? 4. 在国际商务活动中,支付方式有现金预付、立帐销售、汇票和信用证。 【英文译文】Payment can be made in international business with the use of cash in advance, open-account sales, bills of exchange, and letters of credit. ? 5. 现金预付当然是收取付款的最理想的方式。但同时对买方来说,又是一种很没有吸引力的支付条件。 【英文译文】Cash in advance is, of course, the most desirable means of receiving payment. But it is a very unattractive payment term to the buyer. ? 6. 出口商在同经营好、信誉好且熟悉的买方进行贸易时,常使用立帐销售的方式。它的主要优点在于简单和方便。 【英文译文】Exporters commonly use openaccount sales when transacting business with a well-established, reputable, and familiar buyer. The principal advantage of this method is its ease and convenience. ? 7. 信用证是由买方银行开出的、承诺支付全额贷款的书面证明,其前提是信用证上所列的要求得到满足。 【英文译文】A letter of credit is a document issued by the buyer’s bank that promises that the bank will pay the seller the agreed-upon amount of money, provided that all the requirements of the letter of credit are met. ? 8. 官方的统计数字显示,中国去年的有形贸易出现了赤字,但非贸易收入足以弥补这些赤字并有所盈余。 【英文译文】Official figures show that China moved into deficit on visible trade last year, but the gap was more than covered by non-trade receipts. ? 9. 中国目前的经济调整,目的就是要量力而行。 【英文译文】China’s current economic readjustment was very much an effort to undertake what was within the country’s means. ? 10. 由于受到最近降低优惠利率的刺激,香港股市价格开盘时就直线上扬。 【英文译文】Hong Kong stock market opened sharply higher, prompted by the latest reduction in the prime rate. CATTI笔译必备句子范例(26) 11. 收市时价格都有所上升,交易额居中。 【英文译文】The market closed higher in the modest trading. ? 12. 大多数股票都以当天的最高价收盘。 【英文译文】Most shares closed at their best trading. ? 13. 来自25个国家的100多家生产厂商和公司汇聚于此,向人们展示了他们的新产品和新技术。 【英文译文】More than 100 produc


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