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公寓安防系统设计与实现 【摘要】 本论文主要阐述了西安航空职业技术学院新老校区学生公寓安防系统中的监控系统的设计与实现。 学院新老校区相隔2km,新老校区都有公寓楼,新校区公寓楼相对集中,而老校区就相对比较分散,结合学院具体情况分析,假设在宿舍楼大门装设门禁系统的话,学生早上起床后还要排队打卡,会出现拥堵现象,所以装设门禁系统不现实;装设楼宇对讲系统的话,都去上课的话宿舍里面没人,即使呼叫也没人应答,所以装设楼宇对讲没必要;防盗报警系统和电子巡更系统要在周界防范,况且公寓楼大门口装设摄像机可以实时监控出入的人员,所以报警系统和电子巡更系统也不现实;所以结合实际情况只能做监控系统。 监控中心设在新区4#公寓,老校区4#楼配电室设接线箱一台,各公寓楼一楼大厅安装红外半球摄像机。 系统采用集中供电方式给各公寓楼摄像机供电,新校区从4#楼到2#﹑3#﹑5#﹑6#各穿钢管敷设电源线(RVV2*1.5)﹑视频线(SYV75-9)各一根,由新区4#公寓到老校区4#公寓楼通过域名路由器经互联网传输,形成集中管理分散储存。从老校区4#公寓楼到1#﹑2#﹑3#﹑5#﹑6#﹑7#公寓楼各穿钢管敷设电源线(RVV2*1.5)﹑视频线(SYV75-9)各一根 关键词: 视频监控 网络传输 域名路由器   Abstract: This thesis mainly expounds the xi an institute of technology of profession of aviation of old and new campus student apartment security system design and implementation of the monitoring system. Old and new college campus 2 km apart, old and new campus has apartment building, the new campus apartment is relatively concentrated, the old campus is relatively dispersed, combining specific situation analysis, hypothesis in the dormitory door installed entrance guard system, students have lined up to clock in, after getting up in the morning will be a congested, so unrealistic installed entrance guard system; Furnish building intercom system, no one go to school dormitory, even call nobody reply, so furnish landing-answer not necessary; Anti-theft alarm system and electronic patrolling system to the perimeter prevention, besides the apartment gate installed video cameras can be real-time monitoring and personnel, so the alarm systems and electronic patrolling system also unrealistic; So can only make monitoring system combined with the actual situation The monitoring center is located in new district 4 # apartment, old campus connection box transformer room set a 4 # floor, each apartment on the first floor hall to install infrared camera hemisphere. Centralized system of power supply to the camera power supply in the apartment, the new campus from the 4 # floor to 2 #, 3 #, 5 #, 6 # all wear steel pipe laying power


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