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摘 要 《追风筝的人》是卡德勒·胡塞尼最著名的一部小说, 小说主要体现了背叛,忠诚,悔恨,救赎和原谅。小说讲述了一个12岁的阿富汗男孩阿米尔因为嫉妒哈桑拥有自己父亲更多的爱护,而陷害哈桑。当阿米尔长大后,他意识到了自己的罪孽,开始了他自我救赎的道路。他去营救哈桑的儿子,当哈桑的儿子终于获得幸福之后,阿米尔终于释放了一直以来的内疚。 本文从小说从埃米尔的个人心灵救赎入手,探讨埃米尔在思想和心理上如何在外力的推动下一步步摒弃了自私和为我的道德观,从幼稚走向人性善良并且获得了幸福 本文从三个方面讨论埃米尔的自我救赎,第一部分分析了埃米尔自我救赎的原因,第二部分分析了埃米尔自我救赎的旅程,第三部分分析了埃米尔通过自我救赎得到的升华,包括自信和人生观的两方面。 关键词: 救赎;成长;原谅;忏悔 Abstract The Kite Runner is Khaled Hosseini’s most famous novel dealing with the act of betrayal, honesty, regret, redemption, and forgiveness. In this novel, a 12 year-- old Afghan boy named Amir framed Hassan because he was jealous of Hassan owning more love of Amir’s father. And after growing up, Amir realized his sin, and started his road of self-redemption by helping Hassan’s son Sohrab. Finally, Amir has redeemed himself when Sohrab gained happiness. Through analyzing the redemption journey experiences of Amir, this thesis mainly deals with how Amir understands his past mistakes in his thoughts and actions, and with some internal and external impetus, how he gradually overcomes his flows and grows matures and gets happiness through the redemption. This thesis is to discuss Amir’s self-redemption in the Kite Runner from three perspectives. The first chapter analyzes the causes of Amir’s self-redemption, the second chapter discusses the journey of Amir’s redemption, the third chapter discusses the elevation from Amir’s self-redemption from two perspectives including the growing Self-reliance and the elevation of Amir’s viewpoint of life. Key Words: Redemption; Growing; forgiveness; sin Content Introduction 1 Chapter One Causes of Amir’s Self-redemption 3 1.1 The dominance of psychological shadow over Amir 3 1.1.1 Amir evading his responsibility to help Hassan 3 1.1.2 Amir Plotting against Hassan 4 1.2 Amir’s reflection over racial issues 4 1.3 Amir’s realization of the importance of “Forgiveness” 5 Chapter Two Journey of Amir’s Self-Redemption 7 2.1 Amir’s efforts to rescue Sohrab 7 2.2 Amir’s efforts to cure Sohrab’


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