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加拿大多伦多大学教材 第八章员工绩效管理
简 介 绩效管理: 管理者借以确保员工的活动和产出与组织的目标相一致的手段 绩效管理过程的要求: 知道组织期望什么样的活动和产出 观察这样的活动和产出是否存在 提供反馈,帮助员工达到期望 Introduction Performance management: the process through which managers ensure that employees’ activities and outputs contribute to the organization’s goals. The process of performance management requires: Knowing what activities and outputs are desired Observing whether they occur Providing feedback to help employees meet expectations 绩效管理的过程 传统方法 Vs 绩效管理 绩效评估: 评估一个员工在指定范围内的绩效 绩效管理过程的各个阶段包括: 定义绩效 测评绩效 提供绩效反馈 用这些类型的绩效管理过程代替传统的绩效评估常规方法,可以帮助管理者和员工把焦点放在组织目标上 The Process of Performance Management Traditional approaches versus performance management Performance appraisal: the measurement of specified areas of an employee’s performance. Stages of the performance management process include: Defining performance Measuring performance Providing feedback on performance Using this type of performance management process in place of the traditional performance appraisal routine helps managers and employees focus on the organization’s goals. 绩效评估中的问题和绩效管理解决方案 Performance Appraisal Problems and Performance Management Solutions 绩效管理过程的阶段 Stages of the Performance Management Process 绩效管理的目的 三个主要目的: 战略目的: 帮助组织达到其经营目标 管理目的: 组织使用这一系统提供信息,以便进行每天关于工资、津贴和嘉奖的决策 发展目的: 作为开发员工知识和技能的基础 Purposes of Performance Management Three broad purposes include: Strategic purposes: helps the organization achieve its business objectives Administrative purposes: the ways in which the organization uses the system to provide information for day-to-day decisions about salary, benefits, and recognition programs Developmental purposes: serves as a basis for developing employees’ knowledge and skills 有效的绩效管理的标准 Criteria for Effective Performance Management 绩效测评的基本方法 Basic Approaches to Performance Measurement 绩效测评的基本方法 Basic Approaches to Performance Measurement 绩效信息的来源 Sources of Performance Information 绩效测评的错误 “和我相似”错误: 这类错误的不幸结果可能是歧视 分布错误: 宽大 严格 集中趋势 分布错误造成两类问题: 很难由同一个人来区分被评定员工 由不同的评定人来比较被评定员工个人的绩
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