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初四英语月考试题 一、听力 情景反应:听问题选择恰当答语,听一遍。(10分) 1A Because his father had an accident. B Because he had got a prize C His students worked harder than before. 2 A Yes, she does B No, she didn’t C Sorry to hear that. 3 A She didn’t feel like eating anything. B She had a pain in her head. C She is feeling even worse 4 A It’s my pleasure. B I’m very glad they are beautiful. C Oh,please don’t say so. A Are you tired? B Never mind. C Can I do anything for you? A I’m not sure. B You’d better use a dictionary. C Well, you’d better go to the teacher for help. A He’s doing housework. B He’s in the office. C He is an engineer. A Yes, I did. B No, I haven’t. C No, I’m not. A I’m washing my clothes. B I’m mending the bike. C I’m looking for a pair of shoes. A It’s heavy. B It’s green. C It’s broken. (二) 单句理解,听句子,选择与所听句子意思相近的选项,听两遍。(5分) A Turn right at the second crossing. B Walk along the road, then take the first crossing. C Don’t stop walking until you reach the second crossing. A Is this blue one nice? B How about this blue one? C What is this blue one? A People in England like football, so do we Chinese. B Either Chinese people or English people like football. C Neither Chinese people nor English people like football. A Miss Li became a student five years ago. B Miss Li left college five years ago. C Miss Li has been a teacher in this school for five years. A We started early, but the first bus arrived late, B We started early, but we were still late for the first bus. C We got up early enough to catch the first bus. 听对话,回答问题,听两遍。(5分) 16 Who are talking? A Mum and daughter B Sister and brother C Mum and son hat would the boy like to drink? A sprite B cola C milk Is Jim going to have any fish? A Yes, he will B No, he isn’t C Milk Where is the man going? A to the park B to the building C to the right side How long has Lucy been up? A 35 minutes B 15 minutes C 20 minutes 短文理解:听短文,回答问题,听两遍。(10分) 21 How old are most American children when they go to school? A four B fi


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