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中国肾盘衣属及其邻近属地衣的分类学研究 摘要 本论文在对藏于中科院微生物所菌物标本馆地衣标本室(HMAS-L)、中科院昆明植物所标本室(HMAS)和中科院沈阳应用生态研究所地衣标本室(IFP)的2500余号标本进行鉴定的基础上,主要从形态学、解剖学、化学及地理学角度对中国的肾盘衣属及其邻近属地卷属和散盘衣属地衣进行了综合研究。论文包括37种地衣,其中肾盘衣属5种,包括中国新记录一种:无裂芽肾盘衣(Nephroma bellum);地卷属26种,包括中国新记录两种:克氏地卷(Peltigera kristinssonii)和白脉地卷(P. ponojensis)及散盘衣属6种。 文中对每个种进行了形态、化学、地理方面的详细描述和讨论;提供了分科、分属和分种检索表;对部分种的化学成分进行了讨论;绘出了每个种在中国的分布图;提供了每个种的照片;建立了中国肾盘衣科和地卷科的数据库。 中国肾盘衣科和地卷科主要分布于海拔500m以上的高原、山地和丘陵,但在海拔500m以下的平原地带分布较少。其种数和种类组成在中国的不同地区有显著的差异:西南地区有33种,占全国总种数的89.1%;东北地区27种(72.9%);西北地区21种(56.8%);神农架地区15种(40.5%);秦岭山脉和太行山-燕山山脉均为14种(37.8%);华北平原-长江中下游平原-东南丘陵8种(21.6%)。中国西南地区种类丰富。东亚分布种霜地卷 (Peltigera pruinosa) 和大陆地卷 (P. continentalis) 在中国的分布局限于西南地区,另一东亚分布种黑瘿地卷 (P. nigripunctata) 还延伸至中国东北地区(见分布图6)。 关键词: 中国,肾盘衣属,地卷属,散盘衣属,克氏地卷,白脉地卷,无裂芽肾盘衣 Taxonomical Study on the Lichen Genus Nephroma and Its Allied Genera in China Abstract Thirty-seven lichen species of the families Nephromataceae and Peltigeraceae, on the basis of identification of more than 2500 specimens, deposited in HMAS-L, HKAS, and IFP, are reported from China, among which, Nephroma bellum, Peltigera kristinssonii and P. ponojensis are reported as new to the country. Detailed descriptions and discussions on their morphology, chemistry, ecology and distribution in China with keys to families, genera and species are presented. Distribution maps and photographs of each species are also provided. A database for Chinese lichen species of the families Peltigeraceae and Nephromataceae is established. The species of Nephromataceae and Peltigeraceae of China are mainly distributed in the altiplano, mountainous region and hills with an elevation higher than 500m above sea level, and only fewer species occur in the plain near or lower than 500m above sea level. Geographical analysis of the species in different regions of China showed the different results concerning the numbers of species. Thirty-three species occur in Southwest China (constituting 89.1% of the total number of the species in China), 27 (72.9


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