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搬运散料起重电磁铁说明书 Lifting Electromagnet For Bulk Materials MANUAL MW5-210L/1-75 湖南科美达电气有限公司 Hunan Kemeida Electric Co., Ltd. 承蒙您选用科美达产品,不胜感激!请您在安装使用前详细阅读本说明书。 Thank you very much for purchasing KEMEIDA lifting electromagnet. Do not install and operate it unless you have read and understood the content of this manual. 目 录CONTENTS 前言Preface 基本原理和使用条件Basic principle and operating conditions 产品型号及其含义Model and its designation 用途及适用范围Application range 结构及其特点Structure and its features 电气性能Electrical performance 型号、技术参数与外形尺寸图Model, Main Technical Data and Overall Dimension Drawings 安装和试运行Installation and Commissioning 使用注意事项Operation Cautions 保养及维修Maintenance and Service 前言Preface 散料起重电磁铁(MW1,MW5,MW61系列),是在多年的生产经验的基础上,以尽量提高使用寿命和起吊能力而引进开发的。既能减轻装卸作业工人的劳动强度,又能大大地提高生产效率,是一种理想的吊具。 Lifting electromagnets for bulk materials handling, Series MW1, MW5, MW61 are developed based on the production experiences of many years, focusing on prolonging the service life and lifting capability. They are ideal lifting tools to minimize the labor strength as well as improve the work efficiency. 基本原理和使用条件Basic principle and operating conditions 基本原理Basic principle 当电磁铁工作时,电源及控制设备向电磁铁供给电流,电磁铁内部产生强大的磁场,通过壳体磁路和工作气隙对被吸物产生强大磁力而达到搬运物料的目的。 Fed with DC current by the power supply and control cabinet, a strong magnetic field will be generated inside, which gives strong magnetic force on the attached materials through body magnetic circuit and work airgap to lift the materials. 操作条件Operating conditions 海拔高度不超过2000m。No more than an elevation of 2,000 meters. 周围介质温度Environmental media temperature: 常温型:不高于+40℃,不低于-20℃。 Normal temperature type: not more than +40℃, no less than -20℃. 高温型:不高于+50℃,不低于-20℃。 High temperature type: not more than +50℃, no less than -20℃. 周围工作环境无爆炸危险和不含腐蚀性气体。No explosive danger or corrosive gas exists around. 周围环境相对湿度不大于85%。Relative humidity: not more than 85% 户内、户外均可使用。Used both indoors and outdoors. 产品型号及其含义Model and its designation MW □ - □ □ / □ □ 1 2 3 4 5 6 1


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