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三个区别 1. 两个“另一个”: the other (两者中) , another (泛指)。 2. 加S和不加S: 加S相当于名词;不加S,相当于形容词。 3. 加the 和不加the: 加the , 表示指定;不加the,表示泛指。 many people most people many of the people most of the people 表示顺序的方法 1. the + 序数词 + 名词 2. 名词 + 基数词 some 用于: 1. 肯定陈述句。 2. 语气婉转或希望得到肯定回答。 3. 意为“某个”,如:There’s some woman at the door. any 用于: 1. 否定陈述句。 2. 疑问句。 3. 肯定陈述句,意为“任何”。 4. 在条件状语从句中,意为“一些,什么”。 区别: sometime 某一时间 sometimes 有时 some time 一些时间 some times 几次(一些次数) 形容词、副词的比较级前可以加: much, a little, a lot, even, still 等, 但不可以加: many, a few。 但是,比较级修饰名词时, 如果是可数名词,比较级前可加a few, many; 如果是不可数名词,比较级前可加a little, much。 如:a little more time, many more books. 现在分词作形容词, 常用于物,且含“主动”或 动作还在进行。 过去分词作形容词, 常用于人,且含“被动”或 动作已完成。 ’s + 形 = is + 形 ’s + 过去分词: 1. = has + 过去分词(现在完成时) 2. = is + 过去分词(被动语态) (该过去分词是及物动词,且后面无宾语) 宾语从句四要点: 1.连词 2.语序 3.时态 4.人称 1.I _____(tell) that there will be a wonderful football match next Sunday. 2.A lot of photos _____ (take) on the Great Wall while I______ (stay) in Beijing. 3.What time_____the class meeting_______ (begin) , do you know? 4.There______(be)great changes in Shanghai in the past few years. 5.Don’t worry. You ______(show)your room in a minute. 6.The bus _______(stop) suddenly and the passengers_________(throw)from their seats. 7.I______(meet) a friend of mine when I ______(walk) in the street last Sunday. I ______ (not see) her for five years. 8.Tom, you______(want) on the phone. 9.Do you know why he_______(not say) a word when he ______(speak) to just now. 10.Children_____(tell) to do some work around their houses. And in many families, children_____(pay) for_____(do) some housework so that they can learn how ______(make) money for their own use. 11.Last night my son _______(stay) at home. When he ______(ask) why he _____(not go) to see the film. He said he _______ (be) busy _______(review) his lessons and ________(see) the film later. 三、改写句



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