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·430 · 中西 医结合 学报 2 0 0 6 年 7 月 第 4 卷 第 4 期 J ou r nal of C h in ese In t egr a ti ve M edici ne , J ul y 2 00 6 , V ol .4 , N o .4 一枝黄花属植物化学成分和药理活性研究 姜 涛, 黄宝康 , 秦路平 ( 第二军医大学药学院生药学教研室, 上海 2004 33 ) [ 关键词] 一枝黄花属; 化学成分; 药理学 [ 中图分类号] R284 .1 [ 文献标识码 ] A [ 文章编号] 1672- 1977 (2 006) 04-04 30-06 A survey of chemical and pharmacological s tudies on Solidago Tao JIANG, Bao- Kang HUANG, Lu- Ping QIN ( 1 . Depar tm en t o f Ph arm acognosy , Sch ool o f Ph arm acy , Secon d M ilitar y M edical U niver sit y , Shan gh ai 2004 33 , China ) KEY WORDS Solidago ; chemical princ iple ; pharmacology Zhong X i Y i Jie He Xue Bao/ J Chin Integr Med , 2006 , 4 (4 ) : 430-4 35 www .j cimj ournal .com Herbal medicine has been used for treating differ- Solidago plants , we surveyed the research docu- ent diseases in China for thousands of years . The ments about chemical principles and pharmacologi- genus Solidago L ., commonly known as golden- cal activities of these plants . rod , is one of the largest genera of the Asteraceae 1 CHEMICA L PRINCIP LES family , with 12 0 species , most of them growing wildly in North America . It is reported that Solida- Many scholars found and isolated some chemical go plants have been shown to have good diuretic, principles from the plants of genus Solidago L ., choleretic , antiseptic and wound-healing activity . such as flavonoids , leiocarposide , saponins , carote- All species are herbaceous perennials ranging from noids , sesquiterpenes and diterpenes . The struc- 5 cm to 3 m tall . These usually ha


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