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刀盘冷冻实验工程施工方案及冻结过程 易觉 齐吉龙 万甸甸 董涛 张建 赖理春 广东华隧建设集团股份有限公司 兖矿新陆建设发展有限公司 X 关注成功! 加关注后您将方便地在 我的关注中得到本文献的被引频次变化的通知! 新浪微博 腾讯微博 人人网 开心网 豆瓣网 网易微博 摘????要: 以广州220kV石井—环西电力隧道西湾路—石沙路段刀盘冷冻实验工程为背景, 重点介绍冷冻刀盘换刀的关键施工技术, 主要包括刀盘冷冻管路改造、冷冻管接口密封改造、冻结系统设计、冻土帷幕设计、冻结施工、温度监测及在冻土帷幕保护下进行换刀等, 为冷冻刀盘换刀提供了一套完备的冻结施工方案。随着城市轨道交通的迅速发展, 盾构技术应用越来越广泛;对于地面不具备传统冷冻换刀的环境来说, 冷冻刀盘换刀技术有着广阔的应用前景。 关键词: 冷冻实验; 刀盘换刀; 冻结过程; 施工方案; 作者简介:易觉 (1965—) , 男, 湖南浏阳人, 教授级高级工程师。Tel E-mail:yijue-001@163.com 收稿日期:2017-06-21 Construction Plan and Freezing Process of Cutting Head Freezing Experiment Engineering YI Jue QI Jilong WAN Diandian DONG Tao ZHANG Jian LAI Lichun Guangdong Huasui Construction Group Company Limited; Yankuang Xinlu Construction and Development Company Limited; Abstract: Based on the cutting head freezing experiment engineering at the section between Xiwan Road and Shisha Road in Guangzhou 220 kV Shijing to Huanxi Electric Power Tunnel as the background, the paper focused on the introduction on the key construction technology of the cutter replacement on the freezing cutting head, mainly including the reconstruction on the freezing pipe line of the cutting head, reconstruction on the sealing of the freezing pipe connection, design of the freezing system, design of the freezing curtain, ground freezing construction, freezing temperature monitoring, cutter replacement under the protection of the ground freezing curtain and others, all above could provide a completed set of the freezing construction plan for the cutter replacement of the cutting head.With the rapid development of the urban rail transportation, the shield tunneling technology would be widely applied.As for the surface ground without an cutter replacement environment with the conventional freezing, the cutter replacement technology of the freezing cutting head would have a wide application prospect. Keyword: freezing experiment; cutter replacement of cutting head; freezing process; construction plan; Received: 2017-06-21



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