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中国煤炭清洁高效利用之路 ;提纲 Contents 一、能源与环境形势严峻 1.Severe Situation of Energy and Environment 二、煤炭清洁高效转化 2.Clean and Efficient Transformation of Coal;;中国CO2排放 CO2 Emission in China;应对全球气候变化,国际上可能留给中国的CO2排放空间已经非常小——应及早主动应对而不是被动减排 The time for mitigation emission of CO2 to meet the Climate Change requirement is quite short. We must enhance the implementation the measures of mitigation;不可改变的事实 Some Unchangeable Facts;煤炭占我国探明化石能源储量的94%,以煤为主的能源格局在相当长时间内难以改变,可持续发展的出路在于高效清洁利用(包括CCUS)。 Because coal will be the dominant energy in china, the sustainable development of energy is the clean and efficient utilization of coal(including CCUS) 2013年我国煤炭消费37.5亿吨(包括进口2.9亿吨),其中用于发电(含热电联产)为18.3亿吨,仅占总消费量的49.8%。In 2013, coal consumption in china 3.75 bt,for power generation -1.83bt,only 49.8%of total. 2012年世界煤炭消费中用于发电的比例约为53.5%,更低于美国98%和德国89%的水平。It is too low, the world average coal consumption for power generation is 53.5%, USA—98%, Germany—89%. ;电是最清洁、最高效,最便于配送和输运(网络化),最便于分布式应用,最易于和其他能源协同,最易于控制和高度智能化,最易于和信息技术高度融合(互联网能源)……的二次能源。 Electricity is the secondary energy of Most clean and efficient, Most easy for distribution and transmission(to form ?network), Most easy for distributed utilization, Most easy to synergy with other kinds of energy, Most easy for control and to form intelligent grid, Most easy to combine with information technology (energy network). 电在现今人类的衣食住行中起到越来越大的作用。Electricity is playing more and more important role in human life(heating with heat pump, electrical vehicles, high-speed train).;至2014年底,全国发电装机容量13.6亿千瓦,人均1千瓦(2013年美国3.4千瓦),如将来做到人均2千瓦,约达27亿千瓦,电力发展空间很大。 At the time being, total installed capacity is1360 GW, 1 kw/capita ( in US 3.4 kw/capita). China in future will be 2kw/capita,the installed capacity of electricity should be 2800GW,very significant room for further development of electricity.;煤炭清洁高效转化的途径 Ways of Clean Coal Technology;I. 上海外高桥第三发电厂的先进指标 The advanced index of 3rd power


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