冀教版初中九上Unit 5 Great People Lesson 37 Touch the World ppt课件.ppt

冀教版初中九上Unit 5 Great People Lesson 37 Touch the World ppt课件.ppt

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冀教版初中九上Unit 5 Great People Lesson 37 Touch the World ppt课件

Lesson 37: Touch the world What would your life be like if you are deaf? Warming up What would your life be like if you are blind? How do deaf people communicate with others? How do blind people read and write? If you were deaf and blind, can you understand other people? How ? New words Planet Post n. 行星邮报 Hellen Keller 海伦 凯勒 well-known adj. 众所周知的 writer n. 作家 educator n. 教育家 blind adj. 失明的 deaf adj. 聋的 courage n. 勇气 greatly adv. 非常;很 Listening Task: True or False Helen Keller was a famous writer. Helen Keller became deaf when she was born. Sullivan can hear clearly. Reading Task: answer the questions How did Helen Keller become deaf and blind? She had a high fever when she was 18 months old. How did her teacher help her? She spelled words on her hand with her finger. How did she learn to read? She had special books with letters she could touch. Language notes Helen Keller, the well-known writer and educator, died yesterday at the age of 88. 海伦·凯乐,著名的作家和教育家昨天逝世了,享年88岁。 die v.死亡,渴望 Many people died of cancer last year. 去年有许多人死于癌症。 That old man died last week. 那位老人上周死了。 dead和die都是死的意思,但die是动词,指的是动作。dead是形容词,指的是状态。注意die?是终止性动词,不能和表示一段时间的短语连用,die 的延续性动词是be dead. die的名词是death.如: The little animal died yesterday. 这个小动物昨天死的。 The dog has already been dead. 狗已经死了。 He always feels sad when he thinks of his mothers death. Helen wants to understand other people. 海伦想了解其他人。 1) understand vt. vi.懂得;熟悉 I can’t understand French. 我不懂法语。 Do you understand Spain? 你懂西班牙语吗? 了解 A good teacher must understand children. 一个好的老师应该了解孩子。 知道;获悉;听说 I understand you’re coming to work for us. 我听说你要到这儿来工作。 That day, she learned many more words. 那天,他学会了许多其他的单词。 【辨析】:learn与study 这两个词都有“学习”解,有时可以互换使用。如: He is learning /studying English now. 他在学英语。 但learn往往指通过学习、练习或由别人教授以获得某种知识或技能,侧重于学习的成果,有“学会”“学到”的意思。study通常指比较深入地学习,含有努力去学的意味,它侧重于学习的过程,有“研究”“钻研”的意思。 He studied hard and finally learned the language. 他努力学习,终于学会了这门语言。 He studied in a school near here. 他在附近的一所学校读书。 【注意】: “向


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