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即学即练 翻译下列句子, 并分析其结构。 (1)虽然他是一个著名的教育家, 他希望别人叫他老师, 因为他就是这样看待自己的。 _______________________________________________ (2)黄昏时分, 我们来到一个叫做周庄的地方。 ________________________________________________________________________ 一、用所给单词的适当形式填空。 1.The question itself was________; I was________ by what she said just now and I didn’t know what she meant. (confuse) 2.Born into a poor family, Janna has a_______ for the top of the society. (hungry) 3.You are easy to get________( sunburn) when staying on the beaches in such a heating day. 4.The teacher expressed her________ (satisfy) with my composition on “organic farming”. 1.confusing ; confused 2.hunger 3.sunburned/ sunburnt 4.satisfaction 二、词语活用 用hunger的相关词语完成下列小段落。 Many people (1)________ food as (2)________is still a serious problem of the world. So scientists must find ways to rid the world of (3)________so that people will no longer go (4)________ or die of (5)________. (1)hunger for (2)hunger  (3)hunger (4) hungry (5)hunger 金品质?高追求 我们让你更放心 ! ◆英语?必修4?(配人教版)◆ 金品质?高追求 我们让你更放心! 返回 ◆英语?必修4?(配人教版)◆ 第二学时 Learning about Language 要 点 讲 与 练 第二学时 Learning about Language   跟 踪 练 习 词语链接 Reading Indeed, his sunburnt face and arms and slim, strong body are just like those of millions of Chinese farmers, for whom he has struggled for the past five decades.(P10) 的确,他那被太阳晒得黝黑的脸庞和手臂,以及他那消瘦而又结实的身躯,就跟其他千百万农民一样,过去50年来,他一在努力帮助他们。 A. sunburn vt. vi. n.日晒;日灼;晒黑 sunburnt  adj.晒黑的 sunbaked adj.晒干的 sunbathe vi.沐日光浴 即学即练A 完成下列句子。 (1)His face is peeling because of____________(日晒). (2)We__________(都晒黑了) from a day on the beach. (3)The cream(乳霜) ____________(保护你的皮肤不致被太阳晒伤). (4)His____________(晒黑的脸) suggests that he is a farmer. (1)sunburn (2)were all sunburned (3)protects your skin from sunburn (4)sunburnt face 词语链接 B.struggle vt. vi. n.斗争;拼搏;努力 struggle for...为争取……而斗争 struggle against...为反对……而斗争 struggle with...与……斗争 即学即练 完成下列句子。 (1)She____________(努力忍住) the tears. (2)The old man ha


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