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我国小型外贸公司网络营销问题的研究 摘  要 网络营销作为一种独特的营销模式是建立在互联网基础之上、借助互联网特性实现一定营销目标的一种营销手段,是企业整体营销战略的重要组成部分,其实质是把互联网作为销售工具及销售手段而进行的一种营销活动。具有外贸出口权的小型公司由于其产品销售、客户关系的全球性和复杂性,是目前开展网络营销中最迫切,也是最活跃的一类企业。 本文以我在江苏省盐城市东邦外贸公司的实习为基础,主要研究我国小型外贸公司网络营销的相关问题。文中介绍了我国小型外贸公司可采用的网络营销方式主要有五种:搜索引擎营销、综合类B2B电子商务平台、行业平台、网络黄页、许可的E-mail营销。但由于公司在实施这些营销的过程当中存在诸多的问题,而最终导致了网络营销失败。因此,我国小型外贸公司开展外贸网络营销需要解决以下几个问题:第一、对现阶段应采用的网络营销方式认识不够,过度依赖B2B商务平台,推广渠道单一;第二、对网络营销实施原则方法认识的不足,使企业网络营销实践陷入误区;第三、对我国企业网络营销发展现状,尤其是制约因素缺乏了解,导致网络营销活动的失败。所以,我国小型外贸公司应从自身的角度找到问题的所在,并积极应对,才能在这个信息经济时代立于不败之地。 关 键 词:小型企业,外贸,网络营销,对策 Online Marketing Research of China’s small Foreign Trade Companies ABSTRACT E-marketing as a unique marketing mode, on the basis of Internet with the benefit of Internet properties, is a marketing means to an end and an important part of whole marketing strategy. By nature, it is a kind of marketing activity using Internet as the sales tools and means. The small enterprises with the import and export authorization are more urgent and active in want of E-marketing because of the globalization and complexity of their products sales and client relations. The paper is based on the practice of Dongbang Foreign Trade Company in Yancheng Jiangsu province, mainly study the issues of the small foreign trade enterprise of China. There are five methods of foreign trade E-marketing that can be adopted by our small enterprises, and they are as follow: search engine marketing, B2B e-commerce platforms, industry platform, network yellow pages, and permission based e-mail marketing. But because of a lot of problems existed in the practicing process of those marketing ways, the enterprise can not succeed in the final E-marketing. So, there are some problems that our enterprises need to solve about starting E-marketing. First, our enterprises don’t know enough about sale promotion methods of E-marketing and excessively depend on B2B platform and the channel to E-marketing is few. Second, they are not familiar with the implementary pri


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