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广告与个性心理特征 摘 要 现代乃至将来都是一个过剩的消费时代,在一个相对富裕的社会里,消费者的目地,不再是只为需要而消费,而更多的是为消费而消费,为感觉而消费。这是在一次国际广告研讨会上某位专家提出来的一个观点,这样的话听起来似乎有点诡言众听,但仔细想一想这也并非没有道理。在生活节奏日益加快的现代社会里,广告与人,几乎形影不离。能像空气一样,“无处不在,无孔不入”的,只有广告。当今市场,如何抓住时机,推销自己的产品,使企业在竞争激烈的商品世界中立于不败之地,这的确是个难题,它要求企业一方面要改进自己的产品,不断翻新,不断求异;另一反面,也要善于利用广告这一形式,巧夺天工,给人以出其不意的效果。好的广告能让人回信微笑的同时深入人心,自然而然消费者在消费时也会受到广告效应的影响。在生活中,面对琳琅满目的商品,各式各样的餐厅不知如何选择,不用担心,看广告! 广告在宣传产品的同时,也为消费者购物提供方便。“酒深不怕巷子深”,而今,有一则广告更不怕巷子深了。成功的广告能给人留下深刻的印象,从“沟通从心开始”到“我的地盘听我的”再到“我能”,电信公司的广告充满温情、时尚、自信、针对不同消费却体提出的口号,的确很成功。然而,在当今这个日新月异,最求创新的社会里,制作一条成功广告并非易事。怎么办呢?这就要需要掌握消费者的心理特征。 关键词:推销产品,广告效应,消费心理 ADVERTISING AND THE PSYCHOLOGICAL CHARACTERISTICS OF PERSONALITY ABSTRACT Modern and future consumption is an era if excess,in a relatively affluent society,consumer destination,is no longer just for the needs of the consumer,and more for the consumer and the consumer,and the consumer is feeling. This is a point in an international advertising seminar an expert proposed,it sounds a little strange words to listen to,but think about this is not without reason. The modern society in the ever-accelerating pace of life,advertising and people,almost follow like a shadow.Be like air, everywhere,get in by every opening,only the advertising.In today’s market,how to seize the opportunity,to sell their products,so that enterprises remain invincible in the fierce competition in the commercial world,this is a problem,it requires an enterprise to improve their products,constantly,constantly seeking;on the other hand,also want to be good at using this form of advertising,art beats nature,give a person take by surprise effect.At the same time,win support among the people of good advertising can make people reply smile come very naturally,influence the consumers will have the effect of advertising.In life,in the face of a superb collection of beautiful things of the commodity,every kind of restaurant do not know how to choose,do not worry,see advertising! Advertising in the promotion of products at the sam


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