第一章 绪论《生理学》(双语).ppt

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第一章 绪论《生理学》(双语)

生 理 学 Physiology ;Physiology: the study of the logic of life;Physiology;Exercise Physiology;第一章 绪 论 Chapter 1 Introduction;第一节 生理学的任务和研究方法 (The object and methods of physiological study);为什么要学习生理学?; 1、在搞清结构的基础上探讨功能; 2、在理解的基础上加以记忆; 3、发挥空间想象,抽象思维; 4、重视实验 ,写好报告; 5、充分利用网络学习生理学知识。;二、生理学与医学的关系 (The relationship between physiology and medicine) ;An Anatomical Study of the Motion of the Heart and of the Blood in Animals (1628): - the heart was a pump that worked by contracting to expel blood. the blood went from the right ventricle first to the lungs The air stayed in the lungs, where to meet the blood The blood moved in a circular path through the body rather than traveling both directions in the same vessels;(一)动物实验(animal experiment) 1、急性实验(acute experiment) ;Acute experiment;; In vitro(离体);; In vivo(在体);2、Chronic experiment; 慢性实验(chronic experiment) 如研究动物的胃液分泌,采用假饲的实验方法;ACh;膜片钳技术记录的川芎嗪对大鼠感觉神经元P2X3受体激活电流的抑制作用;(二)人体实验(Human experiment) ;;(一)器官和系统水平的研究 (二)细胞及分子水平的研究:肌细胞收缩-是肌细胞内特殊蛋白质分子变化的结果 (三)整体水平的研究 ;1. Organ and System Physiology;2. Cellular and molecular Physiology;;3. Integrative Physiology;;; 第二节 机体的内环境与稳态 (Internal environment and homeostasis of body) ;一、机体的内环境(Internal environment); 外环境(external environment) :机体生存的外界环境,包括自然环境和社会环境。 内环境(internal environment):体内各种组织细胞直接生存的环境,即细胞外液。 作用:1)为细胞的活动提供必要的理化条件和养分; 2)接受来自细胞的代谢产物。;; 二、内环境的稳态 (Internal environment and homeostasis);;ECF;;;;----Regulation; Components of Homeostasis: Concentration of O2 and CO2 pH of the internal environment Concentration of nutrients and waste products Concentration of salt and other electrolytes Volume and pressure of extracellular fluid ;稳态的生理意义: 是细胞行使正常生理功能和机体维持正常生命活动的必要条件。;第三节 机体生理功能的调节 (The regulation of body physiological functions) ;一、生理功能的调节方式 (一)神经调节(Neuroregulation) ;Reflex;;Receptor Afferent (sensory) nerve Reflex center (brain or spinal cord) Efferent (motor) nerve Effector;特点:反应迅速、起作用快、调节精确、作用部位


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