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TESOL Practicum (英語教學實務專題) 98(2) Instructor: Yi-Ping Huang Office: Research Building 715 Email: yiphuang@.tw; Phone: #88101 Office Hour: 2:00-4:00pm (Thursday) By appointment Top of Form 課程目標 This class aims to introduce practical issues in teaching English as a foreign language. The major focus of this class will be curricular and pedagogical concerns in teaching English to secondary students in Taiwan. Opportunities to observe English classes, give teaching demonstrations, do student teaching, and conduct post-teaching conferences will be provided. Cooperative learning and learner-centered approach will be used. In the end, the course purports to enable students to become reflective practitioners by theorizing from their own practical teaching experiences and by critically reflecting upon theory and practice in TESOL. 課程大綱 This class do student teaching in two schools this year: Wangfang High School (individual teaching) Taipei Municipal Mu Zha Junior High School (team teaching). Pre-teaching (observation, lesson plan writing, teaching demonstration) and post-teaching (debriefing with cooperating and university teachers) conferences will be conducted. Practical issues, such as how to teach reading, vocabulary, grammar, writing, how to design an exam, classroom management, will be discussed. Audio/video tapes, web-based resources, electronic sources and guest speaking will be used to facilitate discussion. Most important of all, a teaching portfolio should be created to demonstrate students’ professional knowledge and skills in TESOL. 上課進度 (Schedule is subject to change for school coordination.) W Date Topic Assigned Reading Assignment 1 02/24 Approaches to classroom investigation in teaching Exploring Teachers’ Beliefs: Richards Lockhart 1 , 2 2 03/03 Teaching Vocabulary: C1 (a) Teaching Grammar: C2, 3 (b) 3 03/10 Conducting meaningful drills: C4 (c) Using pair and group work: C5 (c) Oral work: elicitation techniques: C6 (d) Student Teachin


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