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The female spectators: visual pleasure Spiteful gossips (the townspeople) Observers, commentators, supervisors, interventionists Complicity合谋者 successors of Emily’s father visual violence “to see the inside of her house” 9 “a crayon portrait”10 “looked back/stared at/ looked him eye for eye/ looked away”14 “we sat back to watch developments/A neighbor saw the Negro man/ we would see her at a window”15 “Daily, monthly, yearly, we watched the Negro…/looking or not looking at us…/their quick, curious glances”16 “looking down at the profound and fleshless grin”17 “we saw a long strand股 of iron-gray 铁灰色的hair.” Gaze(凝视): a psychoanalytical心理分析 term / Jacques Lacan / anxious state that comes with the awareness that one can be viewed/the subject loses a degree of autonomy upon realizing that he or she is a visible object/mirror stage/ a child encountering a mirror realizes that he or she has an external appearance外貌/ gaze effect produced by any conceivable 可想向的object such as a chair or a television screen, eyeball. Male gaze: Laura Mulvey/” Visual Pleasure and Narrative Cinema ”/gender power asymmetry in film/women objectified 使具体化in film because heterosexual异性恋的 men were in control of the camera/ voyeurism(窥淫癖) and scopophilia(窥视)/influential in feminist film theory and media studies/curves 曲线of a womans body / an erotic性欲的 object for characters within the spectators without/ passive to the active gaze from the man/gazer vs. gazed Female gaze: women look at themselves through the eyes of men/male gaze as a manifestation示威 of unequal power between gazer and gazed, or as an attempt to develop that inequality不平等的/ a woman who welcomes an objectifying gaze may be simply conforming to norms 准则established to benefit men/to reduce a recipient to an object/Welcoming such objectification 客观化may be viewed as akin相似的 to exhibitionism(裸露癖) Miss Emily: a spectacle Three kinds of gaze Her father’s portrait: an eye of patriarchal 家长的power/the townspeople from the same perspectiv


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