外研版初中英语八年级上 Module 12 Unit 3 Language in use 教学设计.doc

外研版初中英语八年级上 Module 12 Unit 3 Language in use 教学设计.doc

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外研版初中英语八年级上 Module 12 Unit 3 Language in use 教学设计

Module 12 Help Unit 3 Language in use   基 本 信 息 课型 外研版 八年级上 Module 12 Unit 3 Language in use (Revision and grammar) 本 节 课 内 容 In this unit, the students should review the words and expressions they have learnt in Unit 1 and Unit 2; they are supposed to understand how to use the imperative and the modal verbs. What’s more, there is listening, reading and writing in this lesson. 教 学 目 标 To review the words and expressions they have learnt; To summarize and consolidate the use of imperative—Do sth; Do not do sth; Let’s do sth; To summarize and consolidate the use of modal verbsmust, mustn’t, can, could; To get instructions on self- protection in disasters or accidents 教学重点和难点 To summarize the use of imperative and modal verbs To guide the students how to use imperative and modal verbs 情 感 教 育 To teach the students how to do on self-protection in disasters or accidents; To teach the students should help each other in our daily life 教 学 过 程 Step 1 Greeting Show the students the flash of If you are happy. Ask them to sing the song and do some actions together. ( 设计意图:调动学生兴致,融洽师生关系) Step 2 Lead-in and words revision Show some pictures and the words to the students. Ask them to go through them quickly; then have a memory competition between two teams. (设计意图:复习Unit 1 和Unit 2 所学过的词汇,为下面的活动做准备) Step 3 Listen to a story happened in an earthquake. Show some pictures about the earthquake, then get the students to listen to the passage and complete the sentences. (设计意图:本课的语法学习是以地震为主线,通过地震引出祈使句和情态动词动词的使用); Step4. Guide the students to understand the use of imperative for instructions and suggestions. Watch a video about the earthquake. Have the students to understand what they should do and shouldn’t do in an earthquake. Complete the poster about earthquake by using the imperative. Choose the correct first aid instructions. Summarize the use of imperative for instructions


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