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摘要80、90后可以说是当前职场上面的新兴力量,是各个领域不可或缺的一群人。而在中国70年代末计划生育的影响下,决定了他们无论是个性还是风格上都与以往的员工大有不同。由于80、90后的出生环境的特殊性也造成了他们在职场中的表现与60、70后的有很大的不同。80、90后员工特征一:渴望学习以提升自我。他乐于接受新生事物,非常愿意通过各种途径来提高自身竞争力。这也是当今就业情况愈来愈激烈的产物。特征二:缺乏合作能力、工作责任心弱。80、90后员工个性张扬,喜欢自己做一些决定,并敢于独自实行。但合作能力相对比较薄弱,容易出现工作进度延后,互不买账等现象。特征三:利益至上。80、90后员工往往以自我为中心,并且在商品经济社会成长的他们把物质利益看得比较重要。对于他们而言工资也往往成为他们选择职业的第一评判标准。特征四:抗压性普通较弱。表现在工作中遇到困难时选择“跳槽”消极态度抵抗等。80、90后员工的人力资源管理包括:人力资源规划、员工招聘、绩效管理、薪酬管理、培训与开发、职业生涯规划和管理以及员工关系七大方面。本文首先通过阅读相关文献,回顾并总结了人力资源管理的概念及理论。介绍; 80、90后员工国内外目前的现状,并对其背景和特征进行了阐述,然后通过人力资源资源管理的概念及理论对80、90后员工进行分析。【关键词】80、90后员工 个性 人力资源管理ABSTRACT80, 90can be said to be the emerging power of your workplace, is a group of people in various fields indispensable. In China at the end of the 70s birth, they decided whether personality or style and the staff are very different. Due to the special nature of the 80, 90 after the birth environment also caused their performance in the workplace, 70 and 60 are very different. 80, 90 employees characteristics: a desire to learn to improve themselves. He is willing to accept new things, very willing to improve their competitiveness through a variety of ways. This is the current employment situation is becoming more and more competitive products. Characteristics of two: the lack of cooperation ability, working responsibility heart is weak. 80, 90 employees personality, like to do some of their own decisions, and to implement alone. But the cooperation ability is relatively weak, prone to work late, do not buy it and other phenomena. Characteristics of three: the supremacy of the interests of. 80, 90 employees often self-centered, and grow in the society of commodity economy. They are important material benefits. For them the wages tend to become the first choice of occupation standard of them. Characteristics of four: resistance to common. Performance difficulties at work when choosing job hopping negative resistance. Including human resource management 80, 90 employees: human resource planni


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