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* * Remember that a fundamental principle of Lean Manufacturing is the Identification and Elimination of Waste. We need to develop the ability to identify waste, determine its source, and apply lean principles to eliminate it. * 由于不佳的计划和排程驱动的生产数量波动。这导致不必要的物料搬运,过量生产,等待,以及库存。 在一个工人或机器完成的工作量, 或者物流量的变动。 不均衡 * 当一个人或机器被推着,负荷超越了其自然的能力极限,就会发生“不合理”。 不合理 人方面的不合理会导致安全,人因,以及质量问题。 机器方面的无理是机器停机和质量缺陷的直接原因。 * 新近提出的 第8种浪费: 员工潜能未充分发挥的浪费 * 标准化 利润管理 质量、成本、交货期、安全 作业人员、信息、机器设备、物料 环 境 维 持 消 除 浪 费 标 准 化 团队合作,士气强化,自律, 可视管理,品管圈,提案建议制度 没有标准化, 就不可能有持续改进! * 正确地认识 精益 ≠ 裁員 ≠ 紧缩预算 ≠ 榨取員工 ≠ 偷工减料 消除浪费,降低成本 增强竞争力 帮助企业发展新的契机 * 谢谢 欢迎提问! * Remember that a fundamental principle of Lean Manufacturing is the Identification and Elimination of Waste. We need to develop the ability to identify waste, determine its source, and apply lean principles to eliminate it. * Remember that manufacturing cost is driven by the consumption of resources required to build product. When we consume resources to perform activities that add no value to the product, we are paying for waste. * Note that this category includes both actual Correction tasks as well as Inspection tasks. Be prepared for some debate over whether inspection is value added. Many argue that it is indeed value-added, as it “prevents” the customer from receiving bad product. Points to remember: The product is no different after inspection than it was before (no transformation) Inspection generally only catches 80% of bad product. Ultimately customer is paying for the value the product creates – the true cost of poor product is in future sales. * Concrete examples of 1 or 2 of these are helpful * The best way to eliminate Correction Activities is to stop making bad product! * Remember that any time you produce “ahead” of the customer, you subject yourself to risk – you assume that the customer will eventually buy. * Give some concrete e


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