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Lesson 9 Mark Twain Mirror of America Objectives of Teaching: To comprehend the whole text To lean and master the vocabulary and expressions To learn to paraphrase the difficult sentences To understand the structure of the text To appreciate the style and rhetoric of the passage. Important and difficult points 1. II. Questions for Text Understanding 1. What is a biography? 2. If you were asked to write a biography of sb., how are you going to arrange all the material available. What is the general way of writing a biography? 3. What kind of language do you expect to encounter and why? 4. What is the authors appraisal of Mark Twain? II. Questions for Text Understanding 5. Who was Mark Twain ? What had he been before he became an author? And where did his pen name come from? 6. Say something about the historical background of Mark Twains time. 7. How many stages do you think the author divide Mark Twains life into? III. Background Information: National Geographic Magazine, with a circulation of more than 10 million copies annually, is the third biggest only next to TV Guide and Readers Digest (more than 16 million ). It is a monthly journal run by the National Geographic Society based in Washington DC, a non-profit scientific and educational organization. III. Background Information: A biography is, by definition, an account of someones life that has been written by someone else. Or a written history of someones life. Generally, a biography is about sb. who enjoys certain reputation, who has acquired certain fame by his / her success in certain area. The protagonist can be a positive or negative character. III. Background Information: A brief outline of Tom Tom lives with his younger brother Sid and Aunt Polly in St. Petersburg, a remote town on the banks of the Mississippi river. While his brother Sid is a “model” boy, Tom is quite the opposite of his brother. III. Background Information: At school he disobeys his teacher and always busies himself with outs


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