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摘要随着改革的不断推进,我国的电力体制改革已经取得了初步的成果,但效果并不十分显著,尤其是电价改革方面。电价作为一种重要的经济杠杆,既有利于优化资源配置,又能调整各种利益关系,继而实现社会公平。我国过去实行的居民用户低电价政策,发挥了不可替代的阶段性作用,但与此同时也造成了严重的交叉补贴问题:工商业用户补贴了居民用户,低用电量居民用户补贴了高用电量用户。在这种情况下,2011年11月29日,国家发展与改革委员会出台了《关于居民生活用电实行阶梯电价的指导意见》,要求各省市制定居民阶梯电价实施方案并试点推行,旨在消除当前严重的交叉补贴现象,提高社会效率以及实现社会公平。政策出台两年多以来,我国(除新疆、西藏自治区以外)29个省、市、区都相继推出了自己的居民阶梯电价方案,并且取得了一定成果。为了了解阶梯电价方案实施对政策目标的实现情况并研究阶梯电价方案调整对居民用户的电费支出影响,本文以北京市居民生活用电为例,分析了实施阶梯电价方案前后不同收入群体的电费支出变化,继而探讨其对社会福利的影响,为日后制定正确的居民阶梯电价方案提供定量分析依据。关键词: 居民阶梯电价,实施效果,支出影响,社会福利,定量分析 AbstractWith the constant promotion of reform, our country’s electric power system reform has achieved initial results, but the results are not very significant, especially in the reform of electricity price. Price, as an important economic lever, is not only conducive to optimizing the allocation of resources, but also can adjust the various interests, and then obtain social justice. Low electricity price policy for residents in the past had played an irreplaceable role in people’s life. At the same time, however, it caused a serious problem of cross subsidies. Industrial and commercial consumers subsidies for residential consumers and consumers with low power consumption subsidies for those who consumed high. Under these circumstances, the National Development and Reform Commission issued a guidance on the implementation of ladder electricity price in residents in November 29, 2011, requiring various provinces and cities to work out the implementation scheme of ladder price in residents and move to other towns in order to eliminate the phenomenon of the current serious cross subsidies and improve the social efficiency and the realization of social justice.With the policy having being carried out for more than two years, 29 provinces, districts and cities of China (except Xinjiang, Tibet autonomous region) have launched their own residents ladder pricing scheme, and achieved some certain goals. In order to find out how many can the scheme realize the objectives of the


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