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三青护芯宝的桂林市场推广方案 摘要:随着人们生活水平的提高以及高、中、低轿车的不断普及,人们对轿车保养的意识越来越强烈,特别是对发动机的保养意识:勤换润滑油以保持发动机动力,延长其使用寿命等。润滑油添加剂可满足消费者的保养需求。然而,由于市场竞争激烈,在产品、价格、销售渠道等方面不断被细分。在现有JB、安耐驰、力魔、哈多等国外高端大牌占领高端市场与康普顿、超耐驰、中科奈米等国内出名品牌占领中低端市场的格局下,新生的润滑油添加剂品牌只能在市场空隙中寻求突破。三青,新生的添加剂品牌,想要在如此激烈的市场竞争中赢得一席之地,就得认真研究润滑油添加剂市场的现状、掌握其行业动态,预测其发展趋势,采取正确的营销策略,成功把产品推向市场。 三青,英文名:SAMKIS,是新生的中小企业桂林三业节能科技开发有限公司的合法注册商标,其产品护芯宝纳米养护剂,源自美国纳米创新科技,以“自修复”为差异化的主导理念的市场定位,致力打造润滑油纳米添加剂行业的知名品牌。因此,本文主要分析中国润滑油添加剂行业背景、桂林润滑油添加剂市场的基本状况,对三青的市场定位、目标市场进行分析研究,明确其方向;进行SWOT分析,分析三青在竞争中所处的地位,挖掘其市场背景;同时进行三青营销要素的细致分析,结合其战略发展目标,从产品细分、价格细分、渠道细分等方面扩大三青护芯宝与消费者的接触面,旨在让它能制定可行的营销策略,拉近与消费者的距离,克服自身不足,把三青护芯宝更好的推向市场,并获得预期市场份额,在桂林站稳脚跟。 关键词:三青护芯宝,桂林市场,推广方案,营销策略 Abstract:With the improvement of people’s living standard and the increasing popularization of limousine, intermediate?car and subcompact car, the consciousness of car maintenance is becoming more and more intense, especially the consciousness of maintaining the engine of their car which includes frequently changing the lubricating oil to keep the engine power and extend its life etc. Lubricating oil addictive can meet maintenance requirements of customers. Nevertheless, due to the cut-throat competition, it is constantly subdivided in product, price and sales channels. In the current situation where foreign high-end car brands including JB, An Naichi, Magic power and Hadow etc occupy the high-end market and the domestic some famous brands including Computon, Super Comfortable and Nano control the low-end market, the newborn lubricating oil additive brands can only survive in the market gap. “三青”, a new additive brand, in order to win a space for one person in this fierce market competition, is bound to carefully make a study to the current situation of lubricating oil additives market to grasp the dynamic industry. Furthermore, it still need to forecast its trend of the its development and take some appropriate sales strategies to put the products into the market successfully. “三青”,namely “SAMKIS” in Englis


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