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矮负面身体自我的大学生的自我图式 摘要:目的:已有研究中将负面身体自我分为胖、瘦、相貌、矮四个维度,并从胖和瘦的维度对负面身体自我的自我图式进行了验证。本实验尝试从矮维度来验证负面身体自我的大学生的自我图式。方法:采用陈红编制的负面身体量表,选取矮量表得分大于2.5分的16名大学生作为实验组,小于1.5分的15名大学生作为对照组,对两组被试采用自我编码相关任务的词汇判断实验范式,进行实验对照研究。实验结果:1.矮负面身体自我的大学生倾向于把身体信息词归为消极词;而正常大学生倾向于把其为积极词;而且两者的选择倾向差异相当显著。2.矮负面身体自我者对身体相关的刺激的加工时间比其对中性刺激的加工时间长,两者加工时间的差异相当显著。3.实验验证了矮负面身体自我的大学生存在矮负面身体自我图式。 关键词:负面身体自我;身体信息词;自我图式;大学生 The Self schemata of College students with short-related negative physical self Nie Limei The School of Education Science Zhanjiang Normal University.Zhanjiang.524048 Abstract: Purpose: A theoretical structure of negative physical self (NPS) was divided into NPS-f-atness, NPS-thinness, NPS-facial appearance and NPS-shortness in some research and it had proved the self-schemata of negative physical self from NPS-fatness, NPS-thinness. This experiment intended to prove the self-schemata of negative physical self existence from the factor of shortness. Met-hod: This paper adopted the negative body scale made by Chen Hong, choose 16 college studentswhose grades of shortness are more than 2.5 as an experiment team, 15 college students whose g-rades of shortness are less than 1.5 as a control team, then used some vocabularies about self-cod-e to judge the experiment and do an experiment about the results. The results of the experiment indicated: 1.College students who were negative physical self scale tended to the body information to the word for negative words, and normal college students tend to classified as them for positivewords; and both of them the tendency to classify a significant difference.2. The people who were negative physical self scale give more time to related to stimulus the body about themselves than to neutral stimulus, and there was an extremely difference between the time used in processing theboth body information and neutral stimulus. 3. Experiment proved that negative physical self sche-mata exist among college students with short-related negative physical


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